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Was Ran Off The Road Today.


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First of all....glad to hear that you are okay! Second...PEOPLE ARE STUPID. SSThunder said it perfectly, technology has made people stupid. With cell phones, radios, women putting on their makeup, dvd players, and so much other crap drivers don't pay attention to the road at all. I've always wanted a street bike but I work so many wrecks with motorcycles that I would never own one now. Almost every wreck that I work ends up with the bike being totaled, and a large percentage of those involve the rider taking a ride to the hospital :shakehead: . And super powerranger or not, that gear will save your skin from being shaved down to your bone. Next time, pick your bike up, chase her down, and call the police on her. Maybe after a few tickets and her insurance going up, just maybe she'll put both hands on the wheel and pay attention.

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almost same thing happened to me one night.. I was goin around a curve and this idiot was in my lane. Unfortunately I had a curb on my side buttttt a toyota corolla going 45mph vs a curb, I chose the curb. Luckily I hit the curb at JUST the right angle to where it didnt flip my bike when I hit it. I wasnt so lucky, I did a complete front flip and landed on by back (thank god on grass). My left arm got bruised up pretty bad but luckily I too was wearing all of my PPE. He or she drove off without stopping and i was left there in a ditch with a scarred up fairing, missing turn signal and a bruised arm lol. IDIOTS

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First of all....glad to hear that you are okay! Second...PEOPLE ARE STUPID. SSThunder said it perfectly, technology has made people stupid. With cell phones, radios, women putting on their makeup, dvd players, and so much other crap drivers don't pay attention to the road at all. I've always wanted a street bike but I work so many wrecks with motorcycles that I would never own one now. Almost every wreck that I work ends up with the bike being totaled, and a large percentage of those involve the rider taking a ride to the hospital :shakehead: . And super powerranger or not, that gear will save your skin from being shaved down to your bone. Next time, pick your bike up, chase her down, and call the police on her. Maybe after a few tickets and her insurance going up, just maybe she'll put both hands on the wheel and pay attention.


Agree,My mother in law does the same shit! Putting on make up driving every morning. The worst part is when my father in law was still alive they had a motorcycle so she knows how dangerous it is. Some people never learn.


I ordered a helmet cam before all this happened,which is suppose to be here Monday. What great footage that would of been. I am also getting the voice activated headset for answering calls, so I can phone in people trying to kill me on the road. Every ride it's like playing a morbid game to stay alive.


I need a force field. Anytime someone almost clips me, it sends their car flying 300 yards in the opposite direction. reddevil.gif

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