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So I thought this was kind of interesting, I never was a coffee drinker up until recently due to no sleep. Needed something to keep me up during the day in hopes I would fall asleep at night. If I didnt drink the coffee I would fall asleep during the day messing with my bodies sleep/awake schedule. I usually pull 48-72 hours awake easily due to some injuries. So I have been drinking about 2-3 pots of coffee every morning in hopes to stay awake and fall asleep at night, but only sometimes it keeps me awake. Just normal iced with cream and sugar, extra strong.


So my question is, what do you drink first thing in the AM? Before coffee I always had prune or plumb juice along with the V8 fuzion (acai berry or bannana strawberry).


So lets hear it! :chevrolet:

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I hear you on the coffe situation and it upsetting your stomach. I have a hiatal hernia, gerd and an ulcer so it wrecks my stomach but just trying to get back on a normal schedule until my shoulders are fixed.

Any specific type of water you like? I was a Poland Springs guy but recentley their water has been tasting bunk. So I switched to smart water infused with electrolytes, very good h2o.


edit - 05on20s you might want to consider a reverse osmosis filter for your house, ppm gets down to 01 or even less, I was amazed to see this when our local water has carcinogens that cause cancer, so the town built a filtration plant, and it broke down the 1st year. Got to love taxes :angry:

Edited by 03mass (see edit history)
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I drink water in most of the time. Oj has way to many carb though I could drink it with every meal. I recently read a study where it claimed apple juice worked better for waking u up than coffee. Might try that.

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I drink coffee so that I can make it to work safe. Waking up at 2:50 every morning and only getting about 4 hours of sleep at night sucks but hey gotta pay the bills. I wish there's was something else I could drink to keep me up something good for me but as for now the only thing working is coffee.

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I drink water in most of the time. Oj has way to many carb though I could drink it with every meal. I recently read a study where it claimed apple juice worked better for waking u up than coffee. Might try that.


i read in a bathroom stall in a movie theater that 1 apple woks better than coffee what a trip

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sounds weird but i drink mountain dew almoist everyday all day long. i have been hooked on this for about 3 years now. i sleep good and wake up 530 everyday. probably not to healthy im sure. i just cant find anything else i like. i cant drink coffee at all. it just repulses me.

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