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Usually coffee in the morning after breakfast but going to try Zija tomorrow. Anybody ever heard of it. Suppose to be good for old guys like me lol. Here's some info on it: Zija energy drink XM+

Edited by SSThunder (see edit history)
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sounds weird but i drink mountain dew almoist everyday all day long. i have been hooked on this for about 3 years now. i sleep good and wake up 530 everyday. probably not to healthy im sure. i just cant find anything else i like. i cant drink coffee at all. it just repulses me.



Im right there with ya.. Iv'e been drinking Mountain Dew in the morning for as long as i can remember...

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I wake up at 5am every morning, have a little bit of water before I leave the house then when i get to work I make a thing of gatorade and throw it in the freezer for an hour and a half. By that time I am running low on energy and the gatorade is nice and slushy so I drink that over the next hour then good to go rest of the day with just water whenever needed.

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^^^^^^^^^ That sounds very similar to what I did when I was doing landscaping. Down a water 1st thing in the morning wether it was on the way to the shop, or just having one in the kitchen. I would follow the day through with gatorade/propel like you, but some reason I am one thirsty son of a gun so I would have about 2-3 more gatorades/propels to last me till 5pm, if we were going late we would take a quick break at 5 and some would get coffee and some gatorade/propels. I never figured it out if it was the sugar that had me drinking more gatorades, or just the combo of 90 degree heat and labor work. Those Propels are so small I was drinking 6 a day easily.

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