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New From Ohio


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Just wanted to say hello, new guy TJ here. Ive got an 03 Silverado SS, basically stock except for a different grill, and a flowmaster muffler. Im a jeep guy (well im a anything cool with a motor guy) so i figured if there is a forum for jeeps there has to be one for Silverado SS's and sure enough a google search led me here.


The truck belonged to my best friend, and brother in law Jerry. Me and him were closer than i am with 98% of my own blood family. Jerry Lee originally bought the truck used from a local dealer, it was his dream truck he told me. He showed up at my work an hour after he bought it and told me to take my lunch break cause we were going cruisin. Me and him had alot of good and even shared some bad times in this truck together. I ended up going to an automotive college in PA, and while i was gone Jerry told me he was going to join the Marine Core, he made me promise to write him ever week and i agreed as any friend would. I wrote hime every week he was in boot camp, and he wrote me right back. I think the letters actually made our friendship harder, as me and him went through hard times together through those letters and helped eachother through. It was great news when he shared with me that he was having a baby girl, and that he would be naming me the god father of her. I think now you all get the picture of our friendship, Heck im even engaged to his sister and we have a beautiful baby girl together. So now onto the sad part. One sunday morning i get the call that there has been an accident, Jerry wrecked his motorcycle and was in critical condition. I immediately emptied my savings bought a gps, and hit the highway to NC where Jerry was stationed at. Once i was there i got to see my best friend, banged and bruised, just laying in the hospital bed in the icu. No matter how much i wanted him to, my best friend didnt make it through. Now i get to visit him at the rittman national cemetary where he is burried.


His father was kind enough to sell me and Jerrys Sister (my wife) this truck, instead of it sitting in the barn as it has been the past few years. This truck will be a rolling tribute to him and his life. The truck will remain as he left it only undergoing subtle mods, to enhance performance, looks, and handeling, as i think he would have done himself. Thanks for looking, and talking the time to read my intro.







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Sorry for your loss. Theres about 5 or 6 guys on here from Ohio including me being from Brunswick, only other person were missing is DGIEPSS from stow,

SPP didn't know you were in Ohio too. WE NEED A MEET!!!



congrats on getting an awesome truck just sorry you had to go through what you did to get it anyway im just north of Akron I would love to try and set up a get together for all of us



thanks for the welcome everyone, a meet sounds good to me. Just let me know when and where

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Welcome from L.A. Now that's dedication and the definition of best friends. I am sure you are honored to drive your SS and own that truck in his memory and keep his passion alive as it is now in you. Touching story there.

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Welcome from L.A. Now that's dedication and the definition of best friends. I am sure you are honored to drive your SS and own that truck in his memory and keep his passion alive as it is now in you. Touching story there.



thanks you. yes the truck means the world to me, not just because what it is but more because who's it was. Sometimes its hard to drive it just because i know it was his, but i aways just figure hes riding shotgun even though i cant see him.

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welcome. he woulda want u to drive it, alot. im from ohio too. close to dgiepss in kent. hope we get a meet going. maybe at truckfest at summit racing in tallmadge on sept 17?





if i can get that sat off, im down!

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