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I'f you're scared, either get what's legal or go slightly darker so it isn't obvious. 20% all around looks good and isn't SUPER dark. Most states are between 30% and 50%.


What I would do is say screw it and black it out. I hope you have power windows. I put what looks good to me and dont worry about the cops. They have plenty to keep them busy. If you get pulled over, be polite and dont lie, you'd be surprised how far a little honesty and respect will get you. Then curse them as you drive away, ticket free

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i have 5% all around and i have 50 or 35% in the front cant remember i got the front done because the sun bothered me here and i really like the way it looks

but they are not that strict in vegas

i would just say do 35% in the driver and front passenger window and do 5% in the back and the 2 little back windows

i think its legal to have the back windows limo tint if u want (but i cant remember)

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20% will blend with your privacy glass. I have 35% to avoid getting rolled.

20% film looks best on the front windows because it matches the existing factory tinting on the rear windows, but it's not lawful here in Texas because the front windows are already OE tinted, very lightly but still they are not "clear" - if you put 20% on the front side windows the end-result is 13% light transmission, and that is illegal here in Texas where the front side windows must meter at 20% or more.


That being said, I had my windows tinted with 20% film over 7-years ago and in all the times I've been pulled over the tint has never been mentioned by the authorities, but once I did have an inspection guy refuse to approve the tint, so I took the truck to another station where the truck was passed.


What exactly is the tint law in your area?


Mr. P.

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i would forget about the feds and get what you want a little trick i picked up is if you drive with the windows cracked it doesnt look as dark. most feds arent that worried about it but it does give them an excuse to pull you if your doing other things.

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