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Back Issues


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My back is not good.

I woke in tears yesterday trying to get up and get the kids going for school. Had xray, just got a MRI. I saw the xray and it looks like I'll be needing real treatment and not just therapy. I have three drugs I am on now and it just knocks the pain...still feels like some one is stabbing me down my leg.


Anyone have back stories they would like to share?

I am stuck in bed/on floor.


thanks in advance guys.


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What exactly is wrong? I have battled back pain for years. The last bad time was 2 years ago, out for a multi-day bike ride and got caught in 50+ mph wind for the last 2 days. Side wind on a bike can wear you out. Long story short the last day was horrible, had 250 miles to go and I knew if I got off the bike I would never be able to get back on it. The next few weeks I had therapy done, was taking muscle relaxers and Vicodin..800mg Ibuprofin like they were candy. I really dont like masking the pain but i couldnt handle not being able to walk,drive,sit,lay down....sound familiar?? Oh, and the pain never went away even with all that crap


Finally the therapist says hey, why dont you buy an inversion table? (she was stretching my neck to relieve my vertebra) I picked one up that day and let me say that is the BEST 200bux I EVER spent. I started out on it about 4-5 times a day, within a couple days I could go totally upside inverted and backed down to 3 times a day. My pain was manageable in less than a week and I was able to get back riding after about 2 weeks.


Heres the one I have..I see I got a good deal at 200.00 banghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gif




Nah, when that pain started going away I would have paid a grand....or more.


Good luck, trust me I have been in your shoes more than once.Not fun

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I have battled neck and back problems since childhood.


I actually have a slipped disc and a "partially ruptured disc" that I have been dealing with since my junior year in HS from a football injury.


I have learned to live with the pain, and lack of movenent turning my neck to the right. It hasn't given me to much pain in the past few years since I have switched professions, but I do have a hard time with it when the weather changes, or after being bent over for periods of time.

My advice is to get it taken care of asap. I wish that I would have had surgery when they wanted me to, and not let it hang in limbo on how bad it will get. I was to hard headed when it happened and didn't want to miss out on sports and partying back then. Now who knows when i'll be able to get the surgery, and how bad it will be before I do get it.


Good luck to you on it. And hopefully it gets taken care of.

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The back is tricky. I'd make sure to see a couple docs. I messed my back up in 1992. I pulled a bunch of muscles on the right side lifting weights for football. Deadlifting 425 lbs(3 sets of 5 reps). Doc just put me on meds(muscles relaxers and such). Probably about 3-5 months later it just got worse. I couldn't sit still and my leg was killing me with shooting pains. One of my coaches friends was a chiro, so I went to his office. x-rays shows my bottom 3 or 4 vertibra and tailbone were all out of place and putting pressure on the nerves. The back of my right ankle had very little feeling in it when they ran their test. They started working on me and got it all lined out. Coaches wouldn't let me deadlift again but I'm fine. I was the only returning RB so they didn't want to chance it. I've been going to them since then for small adjustments but haven't been in 2 years or more since I moved away.


I also messed up my neck in college. I think it was 1995 or 1996. Got hit on a kickoff return and compressed the vertibra in my neck. Saw stars at first and didn't notice any pain. 2 days later we traveled for our game and I fell asleep on the bus. When I woke up I felt like I had a crick in my neck. Played the game but ended up at my chiro after the season. My neck was a mess and I'm lucky I didn't break it. When the vetribra compressed, it took the natural curve out of my neck. They got me lined out again. I use to go back for adjustments a few times a year but haven't ben back since I moved.

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Sucks Joe. I broke my back in 4 places back in 2002 from a snowmobile wreck @ 110MPH. Docs said I would live my life in pain and require surgery to fuse several vertebrae. I do have pain but learned to live with it. My mobility took a hit, put on some weight and stopped my weight lifting routines. Your health is always something you take for granted, because of my near death experience, I really toned down the crazy risky behavior. One day I will go under the knife to remind me again of just how important health is.


Hope you feel as good as you can be.

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If your standard therapies aren't working (ie. physical therapy, pain meds, etc), talk to your doc about epidural steroid injections. It may lessen your pain, if not take it completely away. At the very least it may be a diagnostic tool to help determine the next action you take. Of course the MRI will dictate whether or not injections are an option. Just my .02 Good luck. Back pain/sciatica is a bitch but surgery is not the only option, and hopefully it'll be a down the road option if nothing else works.

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Sorry to hear, Joe. I first slipped a disc in my back when I was about 16, working in a gas station and lifting something incorrectly. It still periodically goes out, and the pain is like being stabbed in the back with an ice pick. I also have the usual lower back pain that people get from being out of shape and having a job where you sit on your a$$ all day. I hope you get some relief soon.

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thanks guys. it gives me alot of comfort to hear your experiences. I knew my sss family would be there :)

I cant see the neurolgist till oct 26....so I have to get thru work till then :(



I am gonna send my wife to the track and run my PB.

Edited by detjoe (see edit history)
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I have multiple spine and neck issues due to a car accident and hereditary issues.....mutiple bulging discs (more than 7) 4 alone in my neck with multiple nerve impingements. Then my upper back is screwed with my shoulder issue (torn tendon twice, rotator cuff and acromeum need fixing). The bulging disc between my ribcage cause mad breathing pain, some days i jus feel like im going to have my last breathe and thatts it....My lower back is tostito's. L4-5 herniation touching the nerve. My S1-2 disc (basically in your butt and hip) are both outta place and cause severe sciatica and pain shoots down to my knee. I have much more issues like the bones keep growing, and will need to be hollowed out. Bone spurs, previous fractures from playing goalie in soccer, and other junk i probably dont remember. I hear you on the meds, theyve been scared I would get addicted because Im too young and just have to deal with the pain, hence I am on here so much. My valium helps tremendously, but it only calms myself and blood pressure down, does not stop pain. I due 4 shoulder surgery so i just hope my back can hold up 4 this 6 months of "hell" Ive been told thats coming up. I have much more info if you want to caht more DetJoe, just PM me :chevrolet:

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I do agree with gasemall to a certain point, I was given epidural drips however they eat away at the bone over time, and with some situations make things worse. Most drs. will push that injection not considering they eat away at bone, think this over before doing so if offered.


edit - I agree with Krambo, my lifestyle from a teenager to 20s took a serious hit. At least I got this truck when I was 22 so it kept me on doing less dangerous things like dragging snowmobiles and other situations just asking to get hurt. Its a whole new lifestyle, I cant return to construction or landscape work, kills me as that is my life being outside in the sun and snow.

Edited by 03mass (see edit history)
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I do agree with gasemall to a certain point, I was given epidural drips however they eat away at the bone over time, and with some situations make things worse. Most drs. will push that injection not considering they eat away at bone, think this over before doing so if offered.


edit - I agree with Krambo, my lifestyle from a teenager to 20s took a serious hit. At least I got this truck when I was 22 so it kept me on doing less dangerous things like dragging snowmobiles and other situations just asking to get hurt. Its a whole new lifestyle, I cant return to construction or landscape work, kills me as that is my life being outside in the sun and snow.


There are many different treatments for back pain. Having a physician that can direct you through the different modalities that provide the right direction for your specific issues is key. I'm not sure what kind of epidural 'drip' you were on, but epidural steroid injections DO NOT eat away anything. This is just not true. Steroids have their share of negative side effects, but given correctly and over a specific timeframe in divided doses, they are a safe treatment. Epidural steroid injections are an effective means of treating certain back pain related issues. Not trying to start anything, just saying...don't be scared of them if that's what is recommended. But as always, know your options and decide from there.

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I have occassional lower back pain and a permanent arch in my back as a result of a car accident I was in with my mother when I was 8 years old. We were hit head on by a drunk driver driving an old Cadilac Fleetwood at approximately 45mph. I was in the back seat and the car only had lap belts in the back. The car we were in saved our lives, an '86 Chevy Celebrity. We would have been killed for sure if in anything smaller. That car is the reason why I will always be loyal to GM. :chevy:









Get well soon Joe. :cheers:

Edited by Fireman31 (see edit history)
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thanks guys. it gives me alot of comfort to hear your experiences. I knew my sss family would be there :)

I cant see the neurolgist till oct 26....so I have to get thru work till then :(



I am gonna send my wife to the track and run my PB.



She will smoke you! met her, she has your #! get well soon brother!

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