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It has been a few years since I have inspected or recertified my certs, but to do mine I did the unlimited testing procedure. This was a 9x4x1 bevel plate with a 1/4" root with a 1/4"x1"x11" backer in 3G, 4G, and 6G pipe test on both SMAW and GMAW. I also cert'd in GTAW for flat and pipe. I thought that the 3/8" test was a limited test to allow you to test up to the unlimited certifications. Do you have to pass visual test on the plates also? Welding is imo an art, and I have seen guys and some women that have never touched a stinger before produce better welds than some who have been doing it for years. Getting in a habit or doing a technique that was burned in your brain by someone usually limits the older welders to certain styles or positions they can weld in. I tend to get creative while welding and use different techniques and even switch hands while running a bead so I can enable myself the ability to weld in almost any position or circumstance. I welded freight cars, and in alot of places I wasn't able to get my hood or body into in order to weld, so I used a mirror. If you think about what your doing your welding abilities will be second nature.

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Those are good points and I know what u mean when seeing people that rock at it and are total naturals.I've been doing it for a little over four years now and am now pretty comfy in just about any position.


If it doesn't fit, force it. If it breaks, than it needed to be fixed anyways...

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