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Room Mate


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so i have this room mate, and for some reason i don't like being around him half the time the other half the time i don't mind. but see right now he's playing my Xbox which i don't really mind because i don't need to be on it all the time because i should be studying and what not to do with school. but i have a perfectly good call of duty black ops, yet he plays NCAA 12 football? wtf? its boring to play boring to watch. heck my gf has naughty bear for her xbox and pretty much you are a stuffed teddy bear going around killing other stuffed bears and it is WAAAAAAAY more fun! this guy.. this guy... idk theres a whole list of things i just kind of have to vent and this was easiest. only 9 more months in this lease! lol

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i know the feeling, i just gave my roommate the boot! dirty ass! haha yeah i am a shooter fan my self



Xbox live name StupidT1000


i sent you a friend request shadygopher28 lol spur of the moment kind of name



its all good, i atleast know he wont steal anything from me i mean he's a really good guy just gets on my nerves haha i wish i could afford that single apartment lol

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sorry to hear. having roommates can be a pain. it sound's good at first then once you live with them for a few months it's a different story. i have had roommate's a few different times and there is only one of my buddy's. that i would ever roommate with again. just do you time and get out. you have learned from this.

Edited by shawnss (see edit history)
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NAUGHTY BEAR!!! crackup.gifcrackup.gifcrackup.gif Dude that F'ing hilarious! I'm glad you explained what it was before my mind started to wonder lol. I used to have roomates too man and the extra money was nice but now I have an apartment all to myself and I will never go back to roomate, unless it's a chick of course (and a hot one at that!)

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NAUGHTY BEAR!!! crackup.gifcrackup.gifcrackup.gif Dude that F'ing hilarious! I'm glad you explained what it was before my mind started to wonder lol. I used to have roomates too man and the extra money was nice but now I have an apartment all to myself and I will never go back to roomate, unless it's a chick of course (and a hot one at that!)




lol my thoughts exactly when she told me about it and then i played it and its hilarious to play best 20 bucks spend on her bahahahaha

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Man do room mates suck, I had my friend of 12 years as a room mate and man, you dont know someone till you live with them. This kid stunk so bad I DEMANDED he keep his bedroom door shut cuz the smell took over the apartment. He turned out to be a liar and a thief. I came home one day and he had moved out, and taken my whole DVD collection, called the cops and they said take it to court. I washed the carpet in the room, took three days to get the stench out and converted it into my office. Got myself a nice 2 bedroom apartment all to me! Your lucky to have a roomie you can trust man...

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