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I Know This Is A Long Shot But... Wtb Driver Side Brake Duct


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Yeah yeah yeah I know its daym near impossible to find them these days but I'm looking for a driver side brake duct.. Ive checked SAE, craigslist, and even went as far as considering the fiberglass knockoffs.. Figured I'd post it here for the hell of it. Let me know if you guys come across any please!

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Their was a post about a week ago and a link to a spot that a couple of them. Dig deep into the f/s section, you should be able to find it sir.


edit-any new pictures of your roll pan sir?


I think I found the one you're talking about, and if it is its sold now. I don't have any new ones but I do have some of the last time it was in the shop getting a better fitment for the tips..Its on my phone so i'll have to upload it somehow. nothing from far away though so you cant see the entire back. I'll be getting them soon as I'm not in the same state right now but will be back in AK for xmas break


I bought mine new at Alaska Sales and Service just a little bit ago.

I was trying to avoid the dealership, but if it really came down to it i guess id have no choice eh? haha


Hey man haven't seen you on the site in a long time, hows it going? Yeah like Jason said he was somehow able to order/get one at AK Sales so they must be available. Good luck locating one.


Yeah, just been busy with school in cali but i'll be back up mid next month. I'm actually considering selling the truck to help pay for my tuition. I have another semester of out of state tuition rates which is killing me! My dad drives my ss from time to time, same license plate, just without the tinted windshield and sides, and with a quieter muffler as the ol man always got headaches riding with me haha.


if you dont mind me asking what happened to it

Weeeeell lets just say it was dark, I didnt see the huge dip in the specific parking spot I decided to park in, and the cement block in front was a tad bit taller than your average one... Plus it didnt help that my truck is stupidly low in the front hahaha


I might have one i can part with


whats your zip

Thanks, PM sent



my brother has one i can check to see if he will let it go, how much are you looking to spend and i will run it by him for you, its painted black, but not good

PM sent

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