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Hello Everyone, been a long time since I've been on here. I hardly get online much anymore and for the times I do get online, I'm usually going on to try to sell something or look up something. Anyway I've been laid off from my job since December and now it's left me in a hard situation again like all the other jobs I had did. So pretty much all the money I had saved up was spent on bills and crap I don't even like, but I thought of a answer to this. I was doing some research recently and been doing a lot of thinking on this subject. So I looked up a good CDL School to get a CDL License for truck driving and I found one right here in Wisconsin. Well I found two, but one of them is too much to drive to everyday. So the cdl school I found offers a 4 week class for a class A CDL License and I enrolled in that class. It's only 4 weeks, you're in and you're out before you know it. One month and it's a cheap career that makes you a lot of money with a cdl license. So I'm going to this Diesel Truck Driver School down in Sun Prairie Wisconsin for a Class A CDL License. I can't stand sitting around anymore waiting for my job to call me back because who knows how long they will take till they call me back to work and even if they do, you don't know how long they will keep me on till they have to lay me off again, leaving me screwed for money again. I've just done this too many times and figured it's time to do something else that isn't going to leave me unemployed and hurting for money. So just thought this would be a cool thing to share with all of you. Let me know what you think people? Oh and if you're wondering, I'm going for long haul over the road truck driving after I get my cdl license because long haul over the road truck drivers make more money. I just want to pay off all of my bills and be done with owing medical bills and student loans.

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Put your student loans on forebarence. Federal law allows up to 60 months of forebarence time on any federal school loans at 12 month intervals. For private loans you are allowed 90 day intervals and up to 18 months I believe. You will qualify. Interest stills accrues though, your credit is uneffected and immediate quality of life improves and stress is less...

Edited by Bad Ass Silvy (see edit history)
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america always needs truck drivers. i dont have my cdl but drive our water truck and endumps on our work sites. the thing with truck driving i here is you got to make it past a certain amount of miles everday b4 you actually start making good money. i work with a guy that was an over the road truck driver and he said if he didnt drive at least 400 or 600 miles a day he was only making minimum wage. and he did it for 10yrs. good choice on not sitting around waiting any longer tho.

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Not to be negative, BUT, my brother tried this a couple years ago when he was laid off. It was not a good experience. Truck driving schools promise a lot, charge a lot and don't really deliver in his experience. Long haul drivers usually have to start as a co-driver getting half the pay of the regular driver plus you have to pay all your own expenses. He met many co-drivers at every truck stop trying to beg money to get home. They had either got fed up and quit or were fired while on the road and had no way to get home and no money. He has 2 friends that also tried it and had the same experiences. I don't know if it's the reality or if these cases were oddities. Whichever, I would say to really watch yourself and get promises in writing so you know exactly what you're getting into.


Maybe if others have had better experiences they will chime in. Good luck in whatever you decide.

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