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So I just confirmed by BEST FRIEND and my son's Mother are dating.. i didnt think it would hurt me this much..( cause I had heard things ) I dont know how to feel or what to think.. How could they do that to me.. ??????:shakehead:

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At 1st I read your best friend and your mother and was like WTF lol!

Just go find a girl that your ex would be jealous of and your friend would want. Show that girl off to them.



That's good advice silvy. I would let your best friend know that it's not cool. There's a ton of chicks out there for him. If he's a dick to you and refuses, lose his number.. More then likely he thinks you don't care..Or if he's doing it on the fly, you'll need to confront him as a BEST FRIEND.. its still untrustworthy regardless. How does your son feel about it?




Or you could trick yourself and sadistically think it's an evil ploy to get back at her.... that requires a lot of mental manipulation and can be dangerous.. You could accidentally imagine yourself into being a lamp.. it's quite painfull.....

Edited by A_FUrious (see edit history)
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Well as long as your not with her now and weren't when they started dating then no biggie. that's their choice. i see it as his loose for doing that to you. i sure as hell wouldn't give him the time of day. First thing i'd do is talk to him and see how he act's about it. if he doesn't give a shit about how you feel. then i'd tell him to go fly a kite. cause if he doesn't give a shit about what he's doing to you then he wasn't a real friend in the first. place. as hard as it is i wouldn't let it effect you. cause if you do then it just show's them that they are getting to you. just wish them the best and take care of you and your son. thats how i'd feel about it. take care of number and that's your son and yourself. best of luck man don't do anything stupid cause that doesn't solve anything. it just cause's more problem's.

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I think its screwed up honestly. I think IMO if he respected you enough, he would have atleast asked you if you minded first. But some people think differently. But, like said, I would confront him. I once dated a friends ex girl, I asked first and he said it was fine. Even tho he said it was fine I guess in the long run it did upset him. It ended up ruining our friendship. So now, I wont date a friends ex. Also did the same with a friends sister, even tho he said it was cool, it all turned out bad.

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Thanks guys.. Yeah I left work early today and just took a long ass nap.. I told him maybe if he would of just told me we still could of been friends and she said I didn't mean for this to happen.. We have one kid and I was with her 7 years never married.. ...

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<br />Thanks guys.. Yeah I left work early today and just took a long ass nap.. I told him maybe if he would of just told me we still could of been friends and she said I didn't mean for this to happen.. We have one kid and I was with her 7 years never married.. ...<br />
<br /><br /><br />

My thoughts are he as a friend should have come to and laid his cards out on the table and told you he aas feeling something for her then with your blessing he could have persued her.

On the other hand its the same old story going around again and unforetunately what you had with her is over but your friend and ex should have and probably did realize that someone always gets hurt in these situations.

Best of luck, hope it all works out.


Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

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That's a tough one. Sorry to hear it. If you accept it, you could continue to be friends with him, then she will be around and that would be awkward and tense. It would be nice to act like it does not bother you, just to show her you dont give a $hit, but in the long run, you are better off just cutting them both loose. I would never try to date a buddy's ex if I were still single. The whole situation is just messy. Good luck on whatever you decide to do, just dont do anything to make you look foolish. Keep your head up. I dont know a soul that has dealt with women that didnt get tread marks on their back at some point! LOL

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