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For the headlights and park lights? I have mine 3M tinted, looks great and BARELY reduced light output as it is a one way tint kinda similar to window tint in a way. I also have the cornets painted with VHT night shade (spray tint) originally to hide the amber reflectors, the tint went over top of it, that's why the corners look so dark. <br />

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<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/384882_10151162519155176_846990175_22754740_816968981_n.jpg" /><br />

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Where you get that 3m tint at


Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

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A friend works at a car detailing/vinyl shop. he hooked me up with it. So really go to any place that does window tinting or 3M/Vinyl wrap for cars, and they should have it. FYI it's nothing like window tint, it's much thicker, so don't let a shop try to sell you that garbage. You know the stuff people put on their hood for protection, the clear 3M? Exact same material, only it's tinted.

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Fog lights behind the brake ducts or even bumper grill would help a bit, but not terribly as the ducts will cut off a lot of the angle. If you're looking for more visibility at night, you can always look into doing the 4HI mod. There's a post on it in the how to section, only costs like a buck and 5 mins to do.

Thanks for the tip, I will look into that and see what it is.

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