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Subs Stopped Working..

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I was driving home the other night and my subs started to cut in and out for a little while, (Just recently started do so) and then they just went out randomly. I have a blue light on my amp under my seat and its on so it should be working but its not. I checked all the wires and they seem to be in place but I don't know to much about audio. Any suggestions on what might be going on?? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks guys

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Ya, well it happened to me, I had a poineer amp, thats probably why it blew but ya, the light on mine still came on and everything. It was just one of the outlets that the wires went into, was just shot. So instead of trying to fix it I just bought a new one

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They may not be blown!!! Push on them and see if they make any kind of grinding noise? When you push them in they should push in smoothly with no noise. Also see if your voice coils came apart. This happend to me. When i was thumping to hard my voice coils actually came apart. Just 2 more options to check. Let me know if that works..

Edited by cmoney23 (see edit history)
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