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New Hood, Problem With Body Shop.

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To make a long story short, I bought a cowl hood for my Silverado SS. I called the body shop I was going to use and talked to the owners son. He assured me that once the hood arrived he would inspect it himself and make sure it wasnt damaged, and start to paint it for me.


I get a phone call after the hood arrived and someone else from the bodyshop besides the owners son signed for it. The bodyshop told me to come down there as there was a problem.. I get down there and the hood has two raised sharp points. It looks as something had pressed underneath the hood and it left provisions on the outside of it. I called the shipper and the place i got the hood and they wont cover the damage as the hood was signed for. I called the bodyshop and told them this and they dont want to fix the hood either. Im going to talk to Nick the owners son tomorrow. I believe they are responsible as what I was promised wasnt done, and Nick told me he would sign for it and make sure it was in good shape. Its only going to cost $270 to fix the steel hood. I already have $400 into it and then another $400 to paint it. I dont think I should be liable. I have the shipping reciept with the other employee who signed for the hood.


What is my best way to handle this to get my hood taken care of without sounding like a total ass.

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I would simply ask them to fix it for free kindly regardless it isnt their fault but they said an inspection would happen when it arrived, problem is I would have a hard time trusting them since the sons owner said he would be the one signing it/inspecting it and that didnt happen.


Talk to the owner, the son clearly cannot keep his word. Might just want to cut your loss and go elsewhere, my trust would be out the window with them. Even though they are totally responsible for not inspecting it. I wonder if the shop damaged it? Hope your doing well.

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They are one of the best bodyshops around my area and are highly well known. Im going to try and speak with either Nick or his dad today. The estimator they have has given me a problem since my truck went there after the crash to estimate damage. Hopefully I dont get the short end of the stick.




Im doing alot better, Im still going to the chiropractor, and neurologist. I did manage to be able to start work again part time. The crappy part is once i gave my boss my Dr. not saying i could start work did I realize I was fired days before hand. Otherwise My health is up and Im able to move around and start working out again. Hope your doing and feeling as best you can.

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lol... I went to 2 other places and this was the cheapest price and the best bodyshop around as far as paint work etc. the one shop wanted a little over $400 and the other one wanted almost $500 since it had the cowl. I dont get that, but they said they need more paint etc and that brigs the cost up. Its all BS anyway and another way to screw you.

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Its all rediculous. Just wish i had the equipment and how to, I would paint it myself...




The bodyshop that said it would cost more since they have to use more paint doesnt have the hood. It wont be painted anytime soon since I have to pay for some damage to be removed from the hood. You would think my luck wouldnt get any worse. First its the lady that totals my old truck, then Me being injured and out of work, then I can go back to work, and My boss fires me for being under Dr.s care, then the hood deal. I just need to get drunk. lol Whos In ???

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