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Made the decision to get the SS, but then....


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I went looking at new trucks fell in love with the SS. I wanted blue, they located me 3. So, I told them to do the financing to make sure everything was Ok for the lower rate and they said everything came back ok. Ordered the truck, they called to tell me it had arrived, so I ask about the payment. SOOO, they gave me the payment and I about sh*t. They wanted 15% interest and over $700 a month, I was like no way. Finally, got it down to 11%, still thought that was TOO high, figured that was GMACs way of getting back some of the rebates. The dealership gave me a copy of my credit report, it was like 675, not great but not bad. Thought that was funny bc I havent been late on anything in over 18 months.


Went to credit union got approved for 6% but they had to pull a credit report themselves, so I said ok, do it. When they did, in less than a week, it came back at 563. I was like no way. So we get to looking at it and it showed I was late 5 times since Jan on my credit card and was $147 past due now, I had a judgement against me, and an unpaid bill from a cable company.


SOOO, I called the credit card company, they said I was late in June. I said "OH NO I WASNT. How late, 30days?" "No sir, ONE day". So nothing that should ve been reported, that couldve been a posting thing. They didnt know where the credit buearu was getting that, to call and dispute it, so I ve done that.


Go to hospital about judgement, long story short, yes, they did go after me for $120. Yes it was a screw up, partly my fault partly theirs. I worked it out and they said it wouldnt show up as a judgement and they would hold it as long as I paid on a certain day. Which I did. Anyway, they have no friggin idea why its on my credit report as a judgement, much less that it hasnt been paid and that they never filed the judgement. Get a letter from them notarized and everything and I ll have to call and dispute the charge.


So, I have to call time warner tomorrow and cuss them out I guess. They have me oweing them $147 from April of 00 and I was in Va then with adelphia cable and been gone from NC since Nov of 99.


I go to Equifax pull a report to see what else is on there and in less than 3 hrs my credit score has dropped 2 more pts.


So does anyone know WTF is going on??? Because none of these people I ve talked to today seem to know. Even the guy at the bank was confused as to WHY it dropped so much in a weeks time and with just those 3 things, it shouldnt be that low anyway. When I ask how long it would take to get this straighten out, "at least 30-60 days." Ive made 49 car payments.....ON TIME. Everything else was, ON TIME.


Now, with the lower score, GMAC is actually cheaper on the payment and I ll get the $1500 rebate for financing thru them. I have a GM suppler # which I have to use by 9/7 or I lose the discount which is another $2k. My payment went from being in the $530 to over $640.


SOOOO, how has your week been?



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Theres been 2 checks this month, GMAC and credit union yesterday. They allow you I think they said 3 a month with no or very little effect bc of car or house shopping. Still doenst explain a 90 pt drop in a week.


Thing that pisses me off is NO ONE knows why or what the negative things are or why they are on there. :fume::fume::fume:



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You do know that any time you pull your credit report it is a 5 point hit right?Alot of people screw them selfs running there credit report evertime they find a car they like.

:withstupid: know your budget and know what you want before pulling it if you even need to pull it

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Theres been 2 checks this month, GMAC and credit union yesterday. They allow you I think they said 3 a month with no or very little effect bc of car or house shopping. Still doenst explain a 90 pt drop in a week.


Thing that pisses me off is NO ONE knows why or what the negative things are or why they are on there. :fume::fume::fume:



You sure about that because i know a few sales managers for dealers and was warned evertime you pull it, deduct 5 points and it last for about 3-6 months on your report?

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Thats what I did, I was expecting to be approved by GMAC, which I was. Just at that high rate.


Just found out with $3k down, I can get the 1.9% with GMAC. Which brings my payment way down.


Also, thats the reason I told the credit union to look over my credit report before pulling another one. The pt is my score dropped 90 pts in a week for ???? reason and NO ONE can tell me why. Equifax could care less, they just wanted their $10 to look at it. Then 30-60 days before they can/will do anything.


Cable companys computer dont go back far. SOO they dont know what its for and for what months. But they will take care of it if I send a bill showing I was in VA in Dec of 99.


If getting idenity theft is half as hard to get fixed as this, I wouldnt wish it on no one.



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I have 5.25% and thats a refinance. If youre worried about the supplier discount expiring you can file for a new number and just tell them your old one expired. I get the same deal through Coke. Good luck. Ps, Credit unions are usually cheaper in terms of interest. Thats what i went through. You could probably even get a better rate by having the payment automatically deducted from an account at that credit union. Thats what i did and it saved a half a percent. Just set up a savings acct. at that credit union and mail your payment to that acct. and on a certain date they will take out the payment.

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You sure about that because i know a few sales managers for dealers and was warned evertime you pull it, deduct 5 points and it last for about 3-6 months on your report?

Thats what the guy at the credit union told me. I think what hurts you is when you sign up for credit and they send it to a bunch of banks at one time and they all pull one.


Credit union offered 1/2 percent for automatic payment. They had me approved until the report from hell came back. Payment jumped to and I m serious about this number, $666.66 :eek:


I m just feed up with it all at this moment.



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You sure about that because i know a few sales managers for dealers and was warned evertime you pull it, deduct 5 points and it last for about 3-6 months on your report?

Thats what the guy at the credit union told me. I think what hurts you is when you sign up for credit and they send it to a bunch of banks at one time and they all pull one.


Credit union offered 1/2 percent for automatic payment. They had me approved until the report from hell came back. Payment jumped to and I m serious about this number, $666.66 :eek:


I m just feed up with it all at this moment.



I hear you shadow it's been 9 years since ive been at a dealers lot and i have been looking hard for the last 3 weeks.And im so sick of car salesmen already it's almost making me want to keep my old pos s10 and say f it!

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That credit rating thing is a bug-a-boo. I had exactly one glitch on my report (unwarranted, as admitted to by all parties involved) and I determined to get it removed, more out of pride than anything else. Suffice it to say that I gave up after months of trying.


In my experience, no one cares that the report is inaccurate, and no one lifts a finger to help.

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