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Sss in a garage???


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my garage is 25 wide by 23 deep and my truck has plenty of room. my truck with a BSER pan measured 19 feet. so its going to be close for you. youll get in there but if its your DD its going to be a pain in the ass pulling it in and out everyday.

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Pretty sure my garage is 20x20 but when I was buying the house I made an extra visit with the truck only to make sure it fit, I have a raised step by the wall that as soon as my tires touch I know I'm in. Not by more then an inch or so on both sides but it fits.

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Pretty sure my garage is 20x20 but when I was buying the house I made an extra visit with the truck only to make sure it fit, I have a raised step by the wall that as soon as my tires touch I know I'm in. Not by more then an inch or so on both sides but it fits.


Perfect! Thats what I wanted to hear. Hopefully your right about the size of the garage. Guess ill find out soon enough

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My SS just squeezes into my garage. I have just enough room to open the door enough to get in and out and that's about it. My garage is all concrete walls, so I can't make any changes if I wanted to make things fit better. I've got a mark on the passenger side of the garage wall that when my passenger side mirror touches the line, my rear bumper is a 1/4 inch from touching the back wall. I also had to remove the handle from the inside bottom of the garage door in order for there to be enough height. That handle only stuck out 3" from the door, so that shows just how tight of a squeeze things are.


When I was looking at houses, I would take the SS with me so I could test fit things, the agent and home owners never had any problem with me doing this.

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I have an attached 20x20 garage. I get the truck and my wifes Malibu in with no problem. The truck just barely makes it. I put 4x4s on the floor by the back wall so that when I touch them I know I'm in. Got about 1" in front and about the same in the back. The point of the front bumper is actually between 2 studs a little so if you have drywall up you may have a problem.

Edited by BOB47 (see edit history)
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I had to cut a rectangular rear bumper size hole into my drywall and trim down the studs and literally back into my wall when I had my garage. Lined it with some foam, back up, tap, close, clear, oh yeah :D Should of seen landlords face when we did final exit rental inspection. YOLO




Omg Lmfao....if someone did this to my rental house i would Shit bricks

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