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Need help buying a new computer


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Don't buy dell, as he said. Here's pre-built pc's from the place I buy all my parts from:




I build PC's for a living on the side, including water cooling, Liquid nitrogen pots etc. Any help just ask me on here

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Don't buy dell, as he said. Here's pre-built pc's from the place I buy all my parts from:




I build PC's for a living on the side, including water cooling, Liquid nitrogen pots etc. Any help just ask me on here


Isn't that an Oxy moron?


Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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HP seems to make a descent all in one. But if it was me, I would go for a Mac. I have worked on PC's for years, and when I started graphic design in college, we used Mac's. I currently have a PC at home, and a Mac at work. I would take the Mac hands down. I just don't like spending the MAC MONEY.

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Ive been buying Dells in every form for the past 15 years.. excellent machines.. only ONE model line had major problems due to bad capacitors.. however... EVERY PC manufacturer had the SAME problem because they all used the same supplier for that part.


IMO, Dell has the best customer service and pricing Ive ever used.. followed closely by HP.

Also be very wary of those who claim MACs are more secure, or "dont get pc viruses".. they are just as vulnerable, sometimes more so, than any PC would be..

I would also advise you to possibly wait until October 26, as that is when the Windows 8 MS Surface tablets are going to come out.. The industry is VERY excited about those..

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Get an Asus, they are great machines and built in America. I'm a reseller for them and highly recommend them as well as Lenovo (IBM consumer division, previously Thinkpad) and Toshiba. HP and Dell business class machines are good but their consumer products are sketchy at best.

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dells are awesome ive had my lap top for 4 years now still just as good as day 1. only reformatted once and before this i had a dell desktop that lasted me 6 years with no problems. not a fan of that particular one tho lol. try newegg and also ibuypower has lots of good deals

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Yes, Mac's can be victims to virus as well. But who wants to pick on 5% of the computer population, when you can pick on 95%. I have seen some really amazing PC's in my lifetime, but they all require work but the consumer to keep them going strong. Almost like putting regular oil in your vehicle. Buying a Mac means the computer is just going to work. They are extremely user friendly, and are like synthetic oil. You dont have to work on them, or maintenance near as often in most cases.

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