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Homeowners! Officially!


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Well, after a few months of looking around my fiance and I finally found a house we liked and ended up buying it! We've only ever rented before so this is going to be a nice change to be paying towards "owning" a future instead of renting aka paying for someone else's future.


We closed/settled today and signed the final documents around 430pm :)


We have a long way to go, we bought it as a foreclosure and it needs quite a bit of work to bring it back to tip top but it will definitely be worth it in the end! All in all she's move in ready after some heavy cleaning and about 50 new lightbulbs! lol


I've uploaded just a couple of pics here, may do more as we go.


Best part? I'll finally have a garage for my baby! ;-)



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congrats. thats awesome. It get's old renting a place to stay. so atleast you have a place to call your own and its all your own. don't have to answer to any landlords or anything like that. looks like a nice place whats the square footage of it? looks large. nice place.

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Thanks for the kind words guys :)


@gmJake - We're definitely not rich, we just got extremely lucky on the find!


We were looking at a lot of houses in the 2000-3000sq ft range, this one was same price range but double the sq ft, half the age and much more our "style." We just got stupid lucky on the price since it was a foreclosure.


@Folks asking about Sq Ft:


The main floor and 2nd floor are about 4300 sq ft, the basement "was" at one time completely finished and has full walk-in/out accessibility so technically once we finish it again we'll have roughly 6500sqft.


It has a detached equipment garage with an apartment built over top of it.


We are going to be renting out the apartment to one of my fiance's friends and an in-law suite in the actual house to my dad and my business will be paying us for use of the garage so our mortgage should be almost nonexistent. That's the plan at least.


The property is 5acres and backs up to a 500acre section of Blackbird State Forest which happens to be bow-hunting only so we don't have to worry about waking up to some jackass blasting away at the crack of dawn lol (Though, that jackass would probably be me anyway!)


As for a house party, absolutely! I would love to be able to host some build parties :) We are in Townsend, Delaware, about 1.5-2hrs from Philly and about 20 minutes from Dover.

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