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Adam's Quick Sealant vs. 1000+ miles of highway bugs

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For those that didn't know, I recently sold our house in SoCal and relocated to the Boulder, CO area to work from the Adam's HQ. Big adjustment and decision for the family, but we love the area and this allows me to be even more involved in the company - most specifically the product development and technical aspects.


So with the big move I figured I had a prime opportunity to REALLY see what Quick Sealant could do. The day before loading up and starting the drive I gave the truck a good strip wash, 1 quick pass of Adam's Revive Polish, and an all over coating of Adam's Quick Sealant.


I followed that up with 3 additional coats of Adam's Quick Sealant on all the leading edges of the truck including the hood, front bumper, grill, mirrors, and even the small parts of the front and rear fenders that stick out slightly.


If Quick Sealant could withstand about 1,100 miles of highway over 2 days, leaving California, passing thru Nevada, a small part of Arizona, a good chunk of Utah, and then over the rockies into the heart of Colorado I'd be impressed.


I had my doubts... afterall I was going to be going thru a lot of countryside, past a lot of farm land, seeing temps into the high 90's in the day, and freezing at night. The truck even got rained on, and a light dusting of snow before I had a chance to clean it.


Needless to say in the end I was blown away with how easily all that gunk washed away... when I say almost NO effort, I literally mean it. Aside from the presoak with Adam's Waterless Wash the effort needed to remove the bugs was no more intensive than what was needed to remove dust and contamination everywhere else.




for HD viewing:


Hindsight being 20/20 I should have left one section of the front end untreated to demonstrate how much of an impact the product has on bugs sticking in the first place. Another test at another time maybe. The prevention aspect was huge as you can see. For 5 states and a total of 1100 miles the buildup was really insignificant. A good 1/4 of the contamination fell off with nothing more than the act of spraying waterless wash at it... the rest came off with next to no effort, and hardly any pressure behind the wash pad.


This product was kind of my baby from the early going in development for any of you that remember my preliminary postings about it, and even I had my reservations about it holding up... I was in the end pleasantly surprised!


Thanks for looking.

Edited by Dylan@Adams (see edit history)
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As I understand it love bugs are really acidic little bastards, but obviously not something I have access to between CA and CO in late september.


The one thing you can say for sure is QS would help prevent the bulidup and damage at a minimum. Will it entirely prevent it? Hard to say without testing, but its definitely going to help to some degree.

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