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SSS Stolen


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Dude, That sucks a big one !!! If you could only catch them in the act when that stuff happens !!!

And Onstar will work with local Law Enforcement to find it at least that what my Officer friend that lives across the said !!!

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Been right where ur at man, my 06 SSS was stolen in 09 expect the worse and hope for the best. They stole it for one reason, cuz its an 06 and to remove all 06/SS unique parts off it and either sell them or use em within their own truck club.

Edited by Bad Ass Silvy (see edit history)
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Yeah the thieves have progressed, this happened too last year with a friend of mine. He had Lo-Jack even too. His truck was stolen and towed away and within one hour Lo-Jack was activated and no hits, nada, not a single one, truck was never found. They must be getting smarter or goin underground or dismantling these things super fast. Sorry man, hope you get it back :(

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Lo/Jack is overrated and people put too much faith in it. Sure, it can work but it is far from a guarantee. If your car is stolen and you have Lo/Jack, the car will emit a radio signal (once activated). the car becomes a transmitter. The problem is you have a transmitter but you need a receiver to pick up that stolen code. Only a very small percentage of police cars (most agencies) have these receivers installed in them. Its all a money/budget issue. In order for that police car to receive the signal it has to be in fairly close proximity to the stolen car.


So, IF you have Lo/Jack and IF your car is stolen and IF that stolen car just happens to be in the same close proximity as a police car that HAPPENS to be the one of the few with Lo/Jack installed... then maybe the vehicle can be recovered. The cop has to have the Lo/Jack receiver installed, get the stolen car signal and the try to find the stolen vehicle. If the stolen vehicle is mobile then it would be very hard to track.

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Sorry to hear about your truck man, that's been a huge fear of mine since I started traveling. I'm away from home for weeks at a time now and always wonder on my way home if the truck will still be there when I get back.


It's sad to say, but since I'm leaning more and more towards selling the truck now, I'd almost be better off to have the insurance pay me what it's worth, lol.

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