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Keep your eyes on the road


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The on air news reporter is doing a segment on how dangerous an intersection is and during the segment a truck side swipes a car at 50 MPH. We could of taken the broadcasters word for it their was no need for the live demonstration. Now what gets me is do you think the accident would of still happened had they not been doing the news report.



Live Car Crash

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The on air news reporter is doing a segment on how dangerous an intersection is and during the segment a truck side swipes a car at 50 MPH. We could of taken the broadcasters word for it their was no need for the live demonstration. Now what gets me is do you think the accident would of still happened had they not been doing the news report.



Live Car Crash

That's what I was wondering, too, but regardless of there were TV cameras out there or not, the car shouldn't have pulled out in front of the truck...

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I hate 'rubber neckers' and Im sure thats what caused that crash....


"Holy cow! Look a news crew! Hi mom! SMACK!!" :sick:


Its the same damn people that almost rearend you on the freeway cuz thier too busy looking at a guy changing a tire on the shoulder! :mad::banghead:

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