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When you guys start a race do you start off with a power brake? :dunno: Or do you just slam the gas when the light turns green. I have beaten alot of people just slamming the gas, But Todd (IBCNYA) blew my doors off Saturday night using the power brake. Later that night I used his technique against a Rustang GT, And crushed him. :smash: How high do you guys rev it up with the brake applied? Is it really that hard on the truck? I am sure this sounds like a silly question to some, But I have never owned a truck worth racing, So I really dont know. :nonod:

If there are any other tips I should know fill me in please. :driving::flag:

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I remember this question being asked before, if I remember correctly someone said torque braking off the line causes the pcm to retard timing and the best times with mostly stock trucks is to go from idle.  Does this ring a bell with anyone else?



A stock PCM will not like brake stalling. :nonod:


A nicely tuned PCM will allow you to stall and get some benefit. :D

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