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Car theft in Cen-Cal


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Look into a RFID switch. I have one to put on mine. My bonus is that it can be programmed with my key fob from work that is always on MY keychain. It can be hidden behind the dash and you only know where the placement is. You can also hook it up to the fuel pump instead of the starter. That is how I plan on doing mine since a starter can be jumped


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Gentlemen, if they want it, they will take it. Let me tell you. These days they are hookin and bookin. Even if you have a kill switch, all a thief has to do is back right up to you, hook and book with his tow truck. I'd suggest backing into the driveway. At least by the time he has the wheel dollies jacked up around your rear wheels, maybe you've of heard and/or seen what's going on. Don't take this the wrong way but I think they'd only steal your truck for the rims or the LQ9 since the badging is advertising it. Hence why I have no badging on my truck. People don't know what VHO means anyway on my bowtie. If you are concerned the best thing to do is remove the truck from the situation. Utilize that garage or cover it or park it differently so it's more difficult to get at. Remember a thief doesn't want to be caught. So the smallest detail of deterrence that makes the risk of being caught there will deter him.


Because you're 2wd right?

Edited by Bad Ass Silvy (see edit history)
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So for the time being until I get a switch, I pulled the 2 40 amp maxi fuses for the ignition on the truck. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4


Do anything you can to coast the would be punk time. Pull those fuses, set your parking brake too, etc.


Someone on here (years back) added a hydraulic brake line lock as part of his "anti-theft" regiment.... :thumbsup:

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Theft isn't huge here in alaska but one still thinks about it. I just had my car audio guys install a 2 way viper system with GPS. Gives me a little piece if mind. I know it's not hard to remove from the truck but its there and makes me sleep a little better lol. I also live right down from the alaska state trooper station.

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Gentlemen, if they want it, they will take it. Let me tell you. These days they are hookin and bookin. Even if you have a kill switch, all a thief has to do is back right up to you, hook and book with his tow truck. I'd suggest backing into the driveway. At least by the time he has the wheel dollies jacked up around your rear wheels, maybe you've of heard and/or seen what's going on. Don't take this the wrong way but I think they'd only steal your truck for the rims or the LQ9 since the badging is advertising it. Hence why I have no badging on my truck. People don't know what VHO means anyway on my bowtie. If you are concerned the best thing to do is remove the truck from the situation. Utilize that garage or cover it or park it differently so it's more difficult to get at. Remember a thief doesn't want to be caught. So the smallest detail of deterrence that makes the risk of being caught there will deter him.


Because you're 2wd right?


Exactly why I want to debadge my SS. Or add the shock security system to the truck.

If they want it, they will get it sadly.

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I just got the feeling of "Oh my God, the great Mr. P complimented my truck!"


Here is a pic of my house and how I park. I just took it. An 09 Pontiac G6 parks in the driveway to the right of my truck and the 4Runner was parked on the street to the right of the driveway. Maybe this will help with ideas.



LOL you're welcome! I like the VHO's, very nice trucks, and very hard to replace. I mean, let's be honest we all know they don't hook worth a crap, but still nice trucks :jester:biggrinjester.gifbiggrinjester.gif J/K had to get an AWD dig in there!


Bakko is a very, very rough town; you gotta watch it - they'll steal your chit. And remember this, many times the thieves usually DON'T live in the same town as the victim; they will come from LA or Fresno or the desert or anywhere in-between to come 'shopping' in your neighborhood.


IMO, the pic you show is your truck begging to be taken. That truck can be gone in 45-seconds, SEEN IT DONE:

  1. man #1 uses screwdriver to bash in door lock cylinder, gains entry into cab, pops the hoodlatch, then uses screwdriver to bash out ignition lock cylinder
  2. man #2 uses cordless drill to quickly unscrew the two 80-pin connectors from the PCM, and attach them to his own security-disabled PCM, and closes the hood
  3. man #1 uses screwdriver to start the truck, both ride away.

How to thwart this -

  • buy a kit to fortify both door lock cylinders
  • buy a kit to reroute the hood latch cable, and fortify the hood latch so it cannot be jimmied
  • install a fuel pump kill switch

Even doing all this (WHICH I WOULD RECOMMEND) this still doesn't protect you from thieves busting out the window to gain entry to the cab (add a car alarm glass-break sensor & fuel cutoff?) or from them using "Option #2" i.e. they tow it away with their own tow truck. The only sure protection is to garage the vehicle.


With the pic you have shown, even if they don't steal the truck itself, you are BEGGING to have your tailgate, taillights, and mirrors stolen - all of which can be done in less than a couple minutes and will cost almost a thousand bucks to replace - this happened to my mom in Mesa AZ at 5pm in broad daylight on a well travelled street by the meth addict living across from her house.


Any way you go, this is going to cost you $$$ - an IMO that "loss prevention capital" can be spent in one of two ways:

  1. Buy shelving materials, or lumber, and/or etc and organize what you have stored in that garage to make room for your truck, or
  2. install a hidden kill switch - I like the suggestion of the RFID keyfob fuel pump cutoff, I think I'll do this to my own truck!!

I am *sure* you can make room for your truck in the garage :D Don't make us come craigslist all your stuff for you lol


You talk about the low cost of living in Bakko - don't forget to figure garaging your vehicle into that!


Mr. P. :)

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If they hook up to the front and try to drag it away I will hear it. I am a light sleeper.


My truck isnt exactly quiet. It will wake up people in my house if it is started.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4


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