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SS Stolen...


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Nothing yet, I talked to them tuesday was the last day. The adjustor wants and thinks it's repairable, the auto body said totaled. I'm sure they're hashing it out.


There is no way your truck is not totaled. Seriously. Insurance can suck a fat one. lol

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sorry to hear that man, i hope is not totalled, id hate to see another ss of the streets. lately theres been alot of ss stolen. they just tried to steal mine exacly a week ago! now its just sitting waiting for me to fix her back up. good luck on yours bro

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Thanks for the support folks, will keep you guys updated. Haven't heard anything yet from insurance.. As of now it still stands, they want to fix it... Which I think once they start dishing out all this money, they'll realize, "Well sh*t - the truck is totalled."

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Update: Talked with insurance. They're going to fix the truck to "Immaculate" stock condition. I quote it because well see what is immaculate is to them. I will take the loss on all my stereo items. He couldn't find KMC Slides online he said so he's giving me a check for silverado SS stock rims/tires brand new, which comes out to more than what I paid for the KMC slides. All aftermarket parts that were damaged I will also get a check for. I'm happy with this outcome because when I bought the truck it wasn't in the best shape, I made it look this way... and it also didn't have stock rims/tires, which I would've loved to have too.

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What a bunch of bullshit don't know how I would handle that If my red sled was stolen that is lower than low for a person to have no respect for other people's shit and just destroy a vehicle like that really wish the bastards would have to pay for the shit they did to your truck!!! Sorry for your loss dude that has to really suck!! Take care and hopefully you can hook up with a new ride! To the bottom feeders who think they have to steal from others hopefully you suffer a miserable death!!!!

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If they do truly replace everything that the truck needs right now and paint it up nice I would be happy with that! I'm sure it will probably be better than when you got it like you said. It would be sad to see another SSS get totaled.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the final verdict from the insurance company folks... They totalled it, they low balled me at 16,3k first I didn't accept it. I fought it and found many trucks(none like mine) worth that. After a week of going back and forth we came to an agreement, 18.3k after the deductible. Am I happy about the truck being stolen and the hard work put into it? No, am I happy for the outcome of paying the damn thing off? YES!

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