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trim piece coming off


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the ss trim piece on the passenger door is coming off. has anyone else had this issue? its like the glue failed where the door meets the lower fender and the trim piece is hitting the fender and not letting door open. it has also took some paint with it. any ideas on where to start with this?? thanks fellas

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This exact thing happens on my drivers door. I had to pull the cladding and strip all the old adhesive off and same with door. Then replaced it with some bada** tape my buddy gave me from his body shop. The hardest part was getting the cladding all lined back up. I was lucky and it wasn't that bad. But my buddy said he has spent some time installing cladding before. As far as your chipping issue I think you would have to use that plastic weld stuff to fill it then sand it down and refinish it. Not a body man but that's my guess. Good luck

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3M makes the double sided tape that you need. A good auto paint / body supply house will have it.


Clean up the old tape mastic from the cladding pc. (If the cladding is crinkled bad, {mine was}, you will need to warm it and re-shape it.


Put the tape on the cladding. DON'T pull the cover off the door side of the tape until you mount the cladding to the door with the bolts that hold it to the underside of the door.


Leave those bolts loose enough that you can line up the cladding, (end to end), as needed to fit correctly on the door, then snug up the bolts carefully pull the top of the cladding away from the door far enough to get hold of the cover on the door side of the tape and then ease the cladding on up to the door.


Toughest part of the job is getting the old tape mastic off of the cladding and door. I used this stuff. Worked great.



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Thanks yall! I think while I'm at the body shop I'll get a quote from them to put it back on. My driver side is doing the same so I'd rather take care of both of them at the same time. Any guesses on what the estimate will be? Lol

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