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Dry roaring sound when making sharp turns?


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Hi everyone, I bought my Silverado SS a couple of months ago and ever since I've had it I've noticed that when I turn sharp while in motion, the truck makes a weird sound. Not really loud or dangerous sounding, but more like a dry low tone "roar/moan." I haven't gotten a chance to take off my wheels and inspect it (due to my old floor jack going out on me), but before I purchase another jack and get a chance to do so, I was wondering if anyone has had the same issue or if this is a common issue. From what little mechanical experience I have, I'm guessing a boot is worn out and the internals are dry or something of that nature. The truck does have around 216k miles on it, which is why I make the assumption I do, but as stated before I was just wondering what you guys' thoughts were and if anyone else has had the same issue and has found a fix. Thanks in advance!

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It can be a number of things. It can be a wheel bearing, or the normal groan from the front diff. I have had two SSS and they both had the low groan which I was told was normal from the dealer. My old truck had 142K on it and no issue with the front diff.

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Well dang, I wish there was a fix. It's not really embarrassing, but it kills me every time I hear it. In a couple of weeks, I'm changing my differentials', transfer case's, engine's, and transmission's oil so I'll take the wheels off, look at it then and report back if I find any unusual wear, can reenact it, etc.

Edited by aerosys (see edit history)
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Probably the front diff. It's a well known issue on these. Try changing the fluid on it and see if that helps. Check the magnet on the drain plug for metal. They tend to eat the carrier bearings on these AWD's

I wouldnt be so quick to say its the front diff. Wheel bearings can sound just like a front diff. I would check the wheel bearings first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm getting a sound like that now but only in reverse with the wheel cut both front wheels have bearings that are brand new.

Slide under and both front axle seals are leaking no jack needed ill find out what's up soon enough I'm gonna do bearings & seals anyways.

I'm just hoping the carrier is going to checkout anyone one know of different options for that

Edited by Aldofashow (see edit history)
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No update as of now. I'm busy fixing the transfer case at the moment. Bearings, chain, etc. As soon as I get done with the transfer case I'll "investigate" the roaring and see what I find. Will keep you guys updated. Sorry for the delay, haven't checked this specific post in a while.

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