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What's the hold up with Truck of the Month?


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I want the shout out box back myself! And a new TOTM lol I'm tired of looking at that truck

Lol! That makes 2 of us. Hopefully we'll get more participators when TOTM reopens. But even like this thread... It's just the same 6 people or so replying. Where are all the noobies? :lol:

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I will out a nomination friend for the truck to the month tonight. Just make sure all the nominees has pictures of the trucks on their garage


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Mark is texting and driving again, he'll explain later. The first few calendars we did here were all TOTM winners. All winners were supposed to get a prize from the admin here, usually a t-shirt. Any of you that haven't gotten your prize need to PM me ASAP so that we can take care of it. We have no idea you didn't get it unless you tell either myself or Mark your prize never game....

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Mark is texting and driving again, he'll explain later. The first few calendars we did here were all TOTM winners. All winners were supposed to get a prize from the admin here, usually a t-shirt. Any of you that haven't gotten your prize need to PM me ASAP so that we can take care of it. We have no idea you didn't get it unless you tell either myself or Mark your prize never game....

Lol. Okay. Yeah I was unaware that the calendar use to be TOTM winners. I thought I was being clever. Lol! Anyway, I'm not calling you guys out here or anything. Just stating that I miss TOTM and I'm sure others do too. It's a shame to see it fall off and hopefully in the future we can strive to make it better and keep it around for good. Even if we have to do a TOTQ to space it out a bit, if we aren't getting many applicants.

I think we should do a TLC TOTM who ever spent the most makes the list I think we would have a lot more people on the list anybody not spend money on there truck this month.


but seriously we should do this

What are you even blabbering about? Edited by MID12sSSS (see edit history)
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So you're suggesting a "best uncompleted project truck of the month"? Or "whoever spends the most money on their truck wins, TOTM contest"? It's not about how much you spend on your truck. There are some very nice stock trucks on this site. It's about how you take care of it and how tasteful you are with your modifications. Take pride in your ride. If you put ugly ass rims on your ride and have chinsy Walmart steering wheel and seat covers, you probably won't get my vote. You may have a really fast ride, but if it looks like crap, you probably won't get my vote either. To me, TOTM contest was just a friendly competition between people with a passion for these trucks. I really like seeing the ideas people come up with. It's nice to have all your hard work appreciated by winning TOTM and reading all the positive comments you receive on your truck. It sounds cheesy, but you kind of learn more about the person when you see their truck and what they've done with it. This forum feels more like a community or a family than any other forum I've been on. You bond with the members. They aren't just another screen name.

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I agree but the mods said there are not enough participants.

I think we should have both not get rid of one for the other just another thing we could participate in still vote.

If your putting work into your truck you care about it.

just saying seems like more guys are putting in work on there trucks then guys that are done working on them.

Guys working on there trucks deserve credit to that's all I'm saying

Like your buddy from AK said he didn't enter cause his truck wasn't done yet there are all lot more of these guys here and it would be exciting to see who members here think put in the most work on there trucks month to month and voted for them.

Some guys might not be done with there trucks for months even years it would be nice to show these guys some love for there hard work as well

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Nothing is stopping someone from submitting their truck before it's finished. We don't need to have a separate TOTM for the guys working on their trucks. My truck will never be done. But I can still take pics of my build and submit it. And hell, I might even win. Lol. Who cares if its on jack stands. :thumbs:

Anyway, I think we're straying too far from the topic on hand here. Let's just wait on the mods and see what they have to say.

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