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Buying mp112


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Meet Mcinalli123 tonight. Hurt to sell my blower but I couldt be more happy about who got it. It was great meeting a new, fellow sport truck enthusiast. I wish u guys could see how excited he was to finally be getting a blower. Really made my day. I didt even post it here yet and when I pulled in it blew my mind he was in a sharp black 2003 ss. Of corse I mentioned the site and boom! Here we are!! Beautiful truck u got there and sounds badass! I hope we can get together again one day for a show or a meet! Look forward to talking to you soon buddy! Enjoy and be safe on the 7 hour trip home.




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Another one caught the mod bug.:thumbs:

I kind of wish they had a rehab for the performance addiction

Dang, was that 7hs one way or total?, either way that's a nice supercharger.

7 hours one way well worth it lol my son asked me if the charger was on already lol

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