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please help! strange noise


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need some help...recently my 04 ss has developed a strange squeel, screeching sound that seems to be coming from the passenger side center of truck to rear right tire area.. brakes have been completely ran through and replaced as of yesterday thinking that would take care of this strange squeaking going on and after the brakes have been replaced the sound still isnt gone..i also took the rear diff cover off to look for signs of a worn bearing but i didnt find any crazy shavings stuck to the magnet or any other signs of concern ,took a look at the u joints(put truck in neutral and tryd to shake the drive shaft for looseness and nothing didnt budge at all although the u joints did look relatively old...even still i dont think thats wher the noise is coming from...also checked the rear brakes to look for stuck rocks and didnt find any...is ther something im missing ,is ther something else to check?noise seems come and go at complete random,thanks in advance

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+1 on the dust guard. On my old SS, the dust guards rusted and broke away. It bent in just enough to touch the moving parts and would squeak. I ended up cutting part of the dust guard off because it seemed like whichever way I bent them away, another part would touch.

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