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It was was a rainy/snowy day, currently snowing. Approached a curve (to the left) and gently applied the brakes and turned the wheel. The truck then started to skid and I slamed on the brakes, out of total reaction, quickly released them, knowing I shouldn't have done that, but the damage was already done. Hit a mail box (metal pole), the ditch (deep), and started the fish tailing through 4 yards before regaining control.


Parts Damaged - Known: All Passenger, Front Fender, Black Mirror Plastic, Both Doors, Back of Cab, Front of Bed, and Back Wheel/Tire.


Accident happened durring sunset, and no camera with me durring the accident, so no pictures until first light. No tickets nor citations where given, though having my FD jacket on must have helped.

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sorry to hear about your bad luck...


ppl can always say they do the right thing.. but the truth is.. EVERYONE has panic braked before... and if they havn't yet, they will. Don't get down on urself accidents happen :happysad:


thank god for insurance :cheers:

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sorry to hear about your bad luck...


ppl can always say they do the right thing.. but the truth is.. EVERYONE has panic braked before... and if they havn't yet, they will. Don't get down on urself accidents happen :happysad:


thank god for insurance :cheers:



Thanks! :happysad:

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