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Dylan dishes out a helping of payback!


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So...yeah... lunch was interesting today.


I ran by the bank to deposit some cash and since its close, I decided to run thru Bakers to grab a burger before heading back to the office. As I'm sitting in the drivethru waiting a good size group of what I'm guessing are middle school kids is walking towards me.


The drivethru sits right on a corner so the kids were cutting between the cars to get to the next street, but these little assholes were acting all goofy... knocking on peoples windows and just being retarded middleschool kids.


One of them, this fat bitch, looks right at me and yells "HI!" I just nodded b/c I didn't want to encourage the little **** with a reaction. As she walked past the front bumper of my truck she takes an open hand, slaps the hood and drags her greasy mit down... the whole time looking me right in the eye.


I immedeately threw the truck in park and grabbed by knife from the center console... she had the nerve to say as I got out... "maybe next time you'll say Hi back?!?!" I had no intent to physically harm her, but I was gonna scare some respect into her if it was the last thing I did. :mad:


As I got closer she turned to run so I grabbed her backpack which she immedeatly slipped out of, ran a few paces away and turned around yelling "Ima call da cops on you white boy!" To which I replied "Please do."


I then took her backpack full of books and slit the bottom, top, sides, everything with my knife... her friends just all started laughing and she was screaming "F**K YOU WHITE BOY!! F**K YOU!" I cut the shit out of the bag and everything fell out... I made a point to let it fall directly into the gutter where there was a nasty lookin' puddle of water. Some of the other people who were in the drivethru started clapping.


I then calmly got back in my truck, pulled forward, got my food and parked to eat... shortly after the cops showed up. Talking to them I told them the story and the people who were ahead of and behind me in the drive thru confirmed my story. The cops thought it was funny and most of them knew me anyways so it was cool.


They then searched the girl and all of her friends who weren't smart enough to get out of there earlier. They found weed on 2 of them and the entire group of them was ditching class... :lol:


The cops asked me if I wanted to press charges for them "attacking" my truck, but I declined. I asked it there was anything I shoulld be worried about in relation to pulling a knife in public...


Their response: "What knife? We don't know anything about a knife bro... have a nice day." :cool:

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:lol: Don't mess with Dylan, he's a CAGED ANIMAL! :eek:


Damn gangbanger with a knife!  :jester:


Good for you, I would have not been so nice.


Late-  Alex

I'll have to admit, about the time somebody called me "white boy" I'd have lost my temper and done the same thing.

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:lol: It was like the movie with Michael Douglas, Falling Down.


I just couldn't take it... hind sight is 20/20 and I could've gotten in alot of trouble, but at a certain point someones gotta teach these little assholes a lesson... today it was me. :cool:

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You go White Boy!!!! (Good Job!!!


Reminds me of a story about 15 years ago. Same type of thing with smart ass teenagers of a hispanic background. Smart ass kids were crossing the street and I see this ahead. They were setting their books in the middle of the road as they were crossing and other cars were going around them. Well, I decided to teach the little *uckers a lesson.


I had an 88 Chevy Step side 4x4 at the time so I made it a point to make sure both of my left side tires ran right over the damn books!!!


I never saw a more surprised look on someones face. The little shits thought I was going to go out of my way to avoid their little school books, when actually I went out of my way to run them over. Coolest looking thing seeing all those papers flying behind my truck as I waved to them as I passed!!!!!

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:crackup: Dude, WTF are you doing carrying a knife in your truck? :crackup: I would have been f$cken pissed to. Probably would have busted a holk cogan and ripped that f$cken bag in half. :D


By the way. How do you get into so many confrontations like that? :lol: I know if had my share, but damn, its like every month for you. :lol:

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:lol: It was like the movie with Michael Douglas, Falling Down.


I just couldn't take it... hind sight is 20/20 and I could've gotten in alot of trouble, but at a certain point someones gotta teach these little assholes a lesson... today it was me. :cool:




That was the first movie that came to mind when I read this. At least you're not driving a Chevette :banghead: Even had a happy ending with the cops being called .... and "knife...what knife" :cool:

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By the way.  How do you get into so many confrontations like that? :lol:  I know if had my share, but damn, its like every month for you. :lol:


I just don't take shit from anybody... there are more assholes in the world now a days than people with common sense and courtesey. They had screwed with 3 other people before she touched my truck and they all those people just ignored them... I refuse to be disrespected by some jackass jr. high kid.

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:lol: It was like the movie with Michael Douglas, Falling Down.


I just couldn't take it... hind sight is 20/20 and I could've gotten in alot of trouble, but at a certain point someones gotta teach these little assholes a lesson... today it was me. :cool:


Dylan.....props to you :thumbs:


That deserves a round of applause from the forum!! :cheers:

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I alway have a knife in my truck. It not for protection it can be used for many things like opening a cd or for first aid sometime you just gotta cut something. I hate it when people touch what isnt theirs. Like I always say look all you want but dont touch the truck.

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By the way.  How do you get into so many confrontations like that? :lol:   I know if had my share, but damn, its like every month for you. :lol:


I just don't take shit from anybody... there are more assholes in the world now a days than people with common sense and courtesey. They had screwed with 3 other people before she touched my truck and they all those people just ignored them... I refuse to be disrespected by some jackass jr. high kid.


I totally understand. I would have done the same thing. But damn, even living in mo val I dont get as many opportunites as you do to punk some little kids. :D

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