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Everything posted by zanis520

  1. oh man that last one was great, i havent seen that one before
  2. in live in LA too and i got my system jacked in my old truck in MY OWN DRIVEWAY. it was a $2500 system. the cop got there and was like well why did you even have that nice of a system in there what was the point? didnt you know someone was probably going to steal it? what a prick. sorry about ur loss man but at least you didnt have to deal with prick and it was only the mirror cap
  3. haha ok i had to post it on here.... In The Year 2000.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUwDdc52udI p.s. sorry for jackin your thread
  4. it also depends on what you're trying to gain by working out. i have 2 really close friends that are personal trainers and they've both told me the same thing. if you are only trying to get bulk and big you should do 3 sets with 5-8 reps in each, if you are trying to gain size and get toned do 3 sets with 10-12, and if you're only trying to get toned 4 sets of 15-18. also the more reps you're doin in a set there should be less down time between the sets, so if you're doin 15-18 reps a set you should only be resting around 30 secs, 45 at the most. you said you're doin 8, so if you are in that bracket (5-8) i would say maximum of 2 minutes, 3 seems a little high. are you doing cardio before your work out and stretching enough? that may also be a factor, you should always do a warm up and a cool down with every workout
  5. hahaha conan is hilarious, i love when they do the "In The Year 2000..."
  6. they look sharp man, cant wait to see them on the truck
  7. that thing only gets 8 mpg and is $76k, id rather spend $60k on a Z06 and get 20 mpg on the highway. anyways im i the only one who thinks 8 mpg is really low? i always thought turbos helped gas mileage a little bit. i understand its runnin on high psi but still, i dunno still seems a little low.
  8. heeeeeey, who let you in my basement? and who said u could take all those pictures of my money?
  9. the best way to get the lowest price is usually through the General Manager of the dealership. but heres what you should do: when talking to the sales men you ask him to see the paper work from the dealership that shows the absolute lowest they can sell it for. i forgot the technical term its something like "manufacturers seller price" something like that. when you ask the sales man to see that paper work he will say hes not allowed to show it or some BS, which is a lie, tell him that you're done with him and he just lost the sale and you want to talk to the GM. he HAS to get the GM and the GM has to show you the paper work. it will show how much they paid for the car and whats the lowest they can sell it for. and thats it my friend. i went with my ex-girlfriend when she was buying her car, and she got it just like that WAY lower than sticker price. good luck
  10. that sux about all the problems, those new denalis are awsome though. id definitley wait till sept too and see what 08 models are comin out, good luck
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ4u01csFk8
  12. i definitely would have paid to watch 2 lesbians make love on my front seat
  13. hey guys, just wanted to say whats up? ive been lookin at this site for a while now, and i finally decided to become a member, and i know im not gonna be disappointed. i have an 04 CA Edition Silverado with a couple mods, ill post pics in a few days, i live in so cal, and its been rainin lately so as soon as its sunny and i get my baby washed ill put some pics up. alright guys, talk to everyone soon
  14. clean truck bro, love the first picture, kinda looks like a magazine ad or something
  15. they had a picture in Truckin magazine a couple issues back with the older body style silverado (like a 1995), and it had the 07 escalade front end and it looked God awful. im sure our years would look a LITTLE better, but if it were me i wouldnt change it, just my opinion though
  16. thats so sick, i wanna see it when its done
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