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Everything posted by ss04Flores

  1. but if u have a real ss i dont think i would work with it
  2. i dont know much bout this trucks but one thing that i heard is that 3 gear goes all the way to 80...thats gotta suck
  3. why would u take it to the sand right when u just finished washing it nice truck tho
  4. u remind me of me when i got my truck cus i wanted to do the same.....but the guys at pt.net made me change my mind....look around read more theres alot more potential than u think in that lq9...just because its a ls7 doesnt mean its the best option out there for the SSS. now dont get me wrong i think it would be awsome if someone did this but for the money, let me have the 30k ur about to spend and ill build me a engine and run circles around u all day long..
  5. congrats but the modding might stop u know that right
  7. 1 video were the guy said "ahhh dont worry its under warranty"
  8. sorry to hear that....hope u get back on ur feet soon!!! Cus we cant loose our only girl around here
  9. well i got it back today and the guy explained what he did....ill post the recipt so yall can look at it and explain it better and to see if i got ripped off .....by the way my 02 sensor was destroyed and my spark plug needed to be changed
  10. yea they scannned it.... i took it to Bumberas (a very well know shop here in Houston) they do all my work and first thing they ask me if i had done a tune. would i need a tune will a full exsaust and CAI? and they did mention my 02 sensors. they said i might need a new one at autozone
  11. ok guys i just install my longtubes with the magnaflow earlier this week and while i was driving my engine light turned on.....today when i went to turn it on the whole engine shakes really bad and right on were the longtube end right before my cat it also shakes real badly...i went to Autozone and they told me that one of my sensors was bad.. Can anyone tell me what could of happend.....bad installation? or just time for new sensors please help.... Tankz ZerG
  12. will the l92 bolt on with the procharger? eventho its mounted on the side would i have any clearence problems
  13. about how much do yall pay for the welding project
  14. dude that sucks when this this happen....damn thiefs not that long ago someone stole my wing at my drive way. i came outside an saw this white line i was like WTF it was the tape
  15. oh just wondering because when i was looking for my sss i looked at the concept not the 99 but the 03 concept it it was on the right.....thats why i was wondering if it was ever placed there
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2003-CHEVY-...bayphotohosting did this ever happen...look at the tailgate pic
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