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Black Beast

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Posts posted by Black Beast

  1. To keep it half way simple, Im going with Black, Red, and blue shirts... With double printed shirts the price varies with the quality of shirt. There is a lighter weight, pre-shrunk, soft T-shirt..... or I could use a Haynes "heavy T" style shirt... It's more durable, but not as comfortable...


    That's up to you guys... I'll listen to hear which shirt you guys would rather have...


    As far as costs, it depends on which logos are use in the final print, but Im trying to keep these as close to cost as I can, obviously I have to add in shipping, but Im looking around 17-19 a piece...

  2. I kinda want the polished 22's because I dont like how shiny chrome is... Just isnt for me. Any experience with the quality of the polished rims? Hard to maintain?? Also, Black is in the picture as well, but Im worried that It's gonna look ridiculous. lol. I like the stock look and I'm afraid black is too much. What I REALLY want, is the SSS 22 in the painted look, not chrome. No luck on that though... SMH. questions questions questions....

  3. Here is the rough draft... Just to give you guys something to look at. The designer said he'd finish today, but couldnt. He will have the final tomorrow. It does give an extra day to add/delete a few things if you guys want. Let me know your thoughts... My feelings arent going to get hurt. lol





  4. Like I said, I got the design drawn up on Friday and had approval today. I'll be posting the shirts up later today. I've got no skin in the game as far as profits are concerned. If you guys like the shirts, then I'll be extremely happy to help you guys out. I rely on this site for a ton of technical info that I don't know. I feel like this is my way to give back and contribute. Just trying to help the group. Love my SS!

  5. So obviously there are some hurt feelings on here... First, I have search this site looking for shirts... I've read you threads about the shirts, and I've seen you say that you're working on it... multiple times. I've also seen people asking you for info with no replies... You say that you've worked on it for 6 months and there's still nothing out there for us to buy. I have a football fan site that I run with 38k+ members and I make gear for them as well.. So I have the experience and background as well. I started on Friday at noon, and I've got a high quality shirt designed, and ready to go, Today. I went through Josh to make sure I was on the up and up with everyone on this site. This isn't a money making venture for me. I wanted a SSS shirt and I knew others did as well... So I made it happen. I'm sorry if someone thinks I'm stepping on toes... but I just don't see it that way... Unless I'm somehow cutting into your profits. Again, I'm not making money off this. I'm doing it for the guys on this site who want some sweet shirts to wear around town...



    Thank you Tony. I take a lot of pride in not only the shirts, but the SS game in general. I have never went over on someone elses products, even though I believe I could get them at a better price. I just believe that we shouldnt tread on each other if at all possible. I have an awesome track record to back me up, and you know the product you are going to get when you purchase from me. I am a professional graphic artist, and not only do this for a living, but also use this talent to contribute to the SS game.

  6. I want to post the pic when I get approval... You'll love them, I know you will. Awesome looking shirt. If I post it first Im thinking it could be viewed as pushing the subject a little too much... Let's hope we get some words soon. I'm trying to go about this the right way.

  7. T-shirts.I think the reason a lot of "group orders" have failed is because people try to get to fancy and it's hard to make quality items for a group that dont cost an insane ammount. People try to make shirts, long sleeve shirts, hoodies, hats, key chains, condoms...lol. Just going with shirts now, if I can get the "approval" to make them for US. Wouldnt it be cool to have some group ID on meet-ups????

  8. Guys... I've designed a shirt, contacted a company to make them, have them ready to be shipped.... I'll post pictures of the shirts and ordering details. One problem, I cant get in touch with someone on this site to give the final approval. Multiple PM's have been sent. I know a TON of you guys have been talking about shirts, as have I. I've got them in Black, Red, and Blue... If someone can get that approval for me, then we can get going. I'd love to have one of these shirts...

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