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Black Beast

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Posts posted by Black Beast

  1. So whould you guys go with Zippy or Blackbear? How does that work also? I have to buy some equipment that I plug into my truck and they just email me a tune or something? Im new to the tuning thing guys... Im sure most of you are shaking your head... haha. Thanks in advance

  2. nice...ugh. I was thinking about getting another after market tune, but as far as I knew, the new tuner would take my "old eco" tune, and tune from there... Is that true, or can they make a completely new tune based on standard stock specs?

  3. So... long story short in outline format.


    Bought a used 06 SS


    Dude told me that it had a "eco tune" and gave me paperwork


    I called company


    Dude says that tuner no longer works for them and that he had all the tune info... "Sorry"




    Now, how can I get the stock tune back? Will the dealership re-tune it to stock? Im going to get a performance tune later on, but I'd like to bring her back from "eco" land....

  4. So, I bought a 06 SS and the dude had magnaflow exhaust put on. He said it was too loud so he had resonators put on before the tips. I hate the tips and dont like seeing them. On my other trucks I have the exhaust go out and dump where you just cant see it. Is magnaflow really THAT loud that I need to keep those resonators? Also, are there different series magnaflow? Kinda like flowmaster where that had a 40 series ect... I kinda wanna cut them off (resonators)

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