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Posts posted by smoke03

  1. na chase i didnt lose to a girl...i actually beat her by about a 1 and a 1/2 trucks...i just didnt want to brag about beating another sss because i thought you guys would frown on that, lol. She wasnt bad looking, but im gettin married next year so i dont think the phone number would have been a good idea...especially with my g/f in the truck....

  2. So im parked in the back row at my college campus the other day away from all of the door dingers, I KNOW im not the only one who does this, and im walking out to my truck when I see an arrival blue SSS drivin down the row checking out my SSS. As they drive on by I wave at them but they didnt realize that the black SSS they were looking at was mine. So they leave campus and I run to my truck to try and catch them. I maneuvered my way through the traffic and finally pulled up to a light right beside them. I rolled my window down and so did they, and to my surprise, it was a female driving. (now, ladies dont get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with yall ownin SSS's, I just wasnt expecting this) I told her I liked her ride and she said the same to me. I was goin to tell her about this site but didnt get to because the light changed, and when it did, we BOTH laid the hammer down letting the people behind us hear our dual flow setups ringin...IT WAS A THING OF BEAUTY! 2 bada$$ trucks flyin down the highway. The people behind us really got a show...

  3. This post isnt geared toward any individual so I didnt think it belonged in the vendor/member praise forum. I just wanted to say thanks to all of you guys for the endless amounts of info you all provide. If I have a question about anything, it can be answered here. This is the best forum Ive ever been a member of.


    my hats off to all of the members and mods and admins :cheers:

  4. You've just had another obstacle thrown in your way.



    Obstacles-Those scary things you see when you take your eyes off of your goals.


    Body shops can work miracles, TRUST ME. It'll all work out. Better to lose a truck than you. (I know, I know, thats what everyone is saying,)

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