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Posts posted by smoke03

  1. silverado 55!??? :confused::confused: did you mean ss... and maybe HIS new ss? looks good though, nice truck



    lol no....open that link and look real close at the pic all the way to the left. Look at his shopman bowtie...its upside down...therefore instead of SS it says 55

  2. got kind of a funny story about thanksgiving.


    On Thanksgiving, about 10 years ago, dad was putting new windows in our house. He was setting at the kitchen table trimming a peice of the window across his leg whit a utility knife and the knife slipped putting a gash in his leg sending him to the ER. When they got there the nurse asked how it happened. Dad's reply was: "well i told her i didnt like the way she cooked the turkey so she stabbed me with a a butcher knife"


    The nurses reply: : "THATS NOT FUNNY, we've already had 3 couples in here tonight for that reason"


    Apparently some women take pride in there cooking so the moral of the story is: Dont complain about the turkey

  3. oh ok i thought thats wat he was talking about, good thing that im only planning on putting in two inch tubing in there so this way i wont have to mod the back brackets. so the seat will still work with these back brackets unmodded right??? they will still attach the back of the seat with out extending these too???






    sorry...i read it wrong...i think you will have to extend them to but thats no big deal...




  4. yeah ull prolly have to raise your seat...but anything can be done...i built a box for our trucks and put a really deep alpine type x sub in it...it was a 10 and it was firing forward but it fit...you'll prolly have to make a custom one or have a custom one made....and raisin your seat aint no big deal...theres a pretty good how to on here somewhere




    edit: heres the link



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