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Everything posted by palletyard

  1. i took pictures with one on so everybody can see how it looks with chrome and black... black all the way and the other one is on the other front side... gonna do the other 2 today. after my 2 year old takes a nap... can't do nothing with him awake the old lady is at work.
  2. well i was gonna wait till it got a little warmer. i got some motivation from "will" i started sanding last night and painted them as well. and i woke up this morning, sat them out in the sun for a couple hours and slapped them on..... 2 down 2 to go. some of you are gonna give me hell... bring it
  3. my irocs are hateing you rite now... gonna do them this weekend... your rims looks good
  4. got this in an email. funny chit... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-52XfQuCptE
  5. are they built for speed or for comfort?
  6. i wan't to visit this dealership
  7. i don't have one!!! but trust me this stuff is fast and easy. and for 21 bucks i said f-it try it...
  8. i was curious and went and bought it today... i did my ladys civic cause it need it bad and it was an amazing diff. and i taped off the hood of the hoe and did it and wow what a diff... but the paint is just about 10 years old and it has it's wear but, judge for yourself. i did a hand wax once right after we got it in 07. and it thought it looked good! but this mothers stuff is good and the ball saves a ton of time as well.
  9. thats what im going to do but i'm using the vht kind for the wheels... http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oGkmIaYLRJKTwB...wheelpaint.html
  10. i'm gonna have to say ..... replica irocs
  11. wow everytime i keep seeing your truck! the more i wan't to steal it why didn't you go with the silver ss on that head plate? would stand out more
  12. sold!!!!! for 150 to a guy in oregon
  13. thanks it just feels good doing stuff on my own this time.... saves me alot of cash!!!!
  14. well painted it this morning!! weather was warm and put it on a while ago. sun was going down i tried the night mode on the camera but not the best pics. but you get the idea! and i also turned on the hids and i was at a angle and these damn things still made the picture blurry... hid's.. rulez. also painted the side markers and the bowtie got shot with the silver. never painted before i did ok.
  15. let me tell you this!!! you have done one hell of a job with this truck. outstanding . it's your truck do what you want with it... seriously the name ss makes a car or truck way better.
  16. wow chase you got alot of money to throw around... looks good keep the pics coming
  17. nice!!! what a big diff. good job ray looks (o)(o)
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