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Everything posted by markdamadman

  1. hey thanks for the compliments ... that road is actually call Stunt Road right off of mulholand hwy. It a really nice road to drive up kinda fast and at the top u can over see the San Fernando Valley to one side and Santa Monica/Ocean/Catalina Island on the other side. Great views day and night if your in the area you should check it out!
  2. hey id be down to come by for a nice meet and go along for a cruise! maybe we should find a place to park along the beach and take some pics while cruisin or somehthing. i have a friend who puts together big euro car meets and he does photography.. maybe i can get him to come and take some pics of our trucks? mark
  3. Hey never posted pics of my truck so i washed my truck the other day and here are some pics up in one the canyons in Malibu! EnJoy!! my friends G37s and my truck
  4. hey you guys should check out universal city walk for a night, its a nice attraction, also hit up hollywood blvd and hit up sunset blvd theres all kinds of neat stuff going on in those areas. maybe if your interested hit up 3rd street prominade in santa monica. i donno if you like shopping but maybe go to melrose and check that area out. never beeen but my friends seem to love that area :-\ those areas are just my .02 o ya and you have to hit up venice beach on a sunday afternoon, its pretty relaxing down there with some funny people
  5. like mr. p said i live in California and i know that cops are lazy as sh*t out here and alwasy pull me over for my front windows being 5% . evil police!!! esp the CHP and Sheriff they will pull you over for anything and i heard that the Windsheild being tinted is a fatty fine to :-\ not worth it if you ask me.
  6. just pics but most people ive come across outside of this forum dont expect a truck to be as fast as it really is.
  7. lol dude haha sucha a sleeper awesome kills man!
  8. well i took it to the dealer and they told me that some valve got stuck inside the other valve or soemthing and burnt the hose up?? that doesnt sound to good but they are fixin it under warrenty. any have that problem?
  9. Hey guys i bought my ss used and its not going into 4th gear and it just revs high in third. any ideas? anyone else ever had this problem?
  10. my friend has a viper and i must say its pretty dope looking but after being in it twice i dont really like it :-\ even when he floors it and drives it crazy its just like ehhh dont really care. my other friend has a c6 vette and man i love that thing it really felt powerful and a blast to drive!! so i personally dont care for the viper. besides why is that they have to put a v10 engine in a 3lb car and it still doesnt even push that amazing of numbers compared to a 6 cylinder porsche turbo...
  11. i bought my car 2 1/2 months ago and ive already put 4k miles on it :-\ i love enjoying my ride
  12. lol yea wtf im in SFV and it was wayy hot how the hell is it snowing at ur place in so cal???
  13. damn dude sorry to hear that! such a burn!! i think its funny how u stated "I'm sure my badges would have looked great on their (hypothetical) teal '93 S-10" well hope everything works out for you!
  14. wow that is some crazzyyy s*** must say im veryyy jealous. it looks sick!!
  15. Awesome guys thanks for the info it was a great help I really appreciate it!
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