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Rays B4U

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Everything posted by Rays B4U

  1. A shop environment would probably be advisable for those uncooperative weather days, or at least a large tent to put over the trucks when they are being tuned. Here's a couple of possible options if it wouldn't take business away from them: Travis's (uncald4) shop is about 30 miles/35 minutes away according to Google Maps. Clay's (SSmoothSilSS) Impala SS group has met at Clear Image Automotive, 18817 East Valley HWY, Kent, WA 98032 and according to Google Maps it's about 5 Mi/15 Minutes away.
  2. Is this it? Magnaflow #12468 or this one Magnaflow #12568
  3. If you're asking about how to sell it without having the title in your hand to give to the new owner, call the finance company and see how they want you to handle it. They are going to need to be completely paid off and the new owner is going to want to make sure you've satisfied the loan on it so they can obtain clear title. If the new owner is going to be financing the vehicle then that finance company may handle the transfer for you.
  4. Call your insurance company and see if you can buy it back before it goes up for auction. My brother in-law totaled his snow-machine a number of years ago and was able to buy it back from his insurance co.
  5. Congrats on the acquisition, and Welcome Aboard! If you haven't seen it already, check out the "Search" button at the top right of the page.
  6. I'll add a pic of my beater, it's sportin an EFX cowl hood.
  7. Should be able to. Look it up on gmpartsdirect.com.
  8. Leaking Oil Cooler Lines has become the hot topic in the past few days! Like Mr. P said it sounds like a leaky Oil Cooler Line. I looked mine up on gmpartsdirect and got the OEM number and then went to NAPAONLINE.com and did an interchange lookup and came up with this napa part #BK 8234060, $59.59. More reading: Thread #1 Thread #2
  9. Mine is leaking from those fittings too. The part number for the engine oil cooler lines is 15203890, autozone and NAPA have them. Another alternative is replacing the ferrel on the hose. Danny (sprayed99) said a place that makes hoses can replace the ferrels. The ferrels are around .30¢ ea. + whatever the shop charges to put them on.
  10. Complain, heck I've been complaining since the early 70's! We all complained when it was nearing .40¢ a gallon and boy did we complain when it was nearing a $1 a gallon... there was almost an uprising...people said they'd quit driving if it got to a $1 a gallon. Dang...sure wish it was just a $1 a gallon today!
  11. It lasted all of 1 day, 33 minutes!
  12. I bought them off of ebay, I think the company was called WickedFlow.com, however the website doesn't work anymore. This is the best pic I have of them from directly behind.
  13. Been discussed and the consensus was "Yes". But still don't have one.
  14. I'm not a fan of the "Quad Tip" look either. I tried to find a tip that resembled the front brake duct vents and this is the closest I could find.
  15. Thanks Kevin, it looks like a How-To Section again!
  16. Many, many, many, many improper posts for this section being made. Doesn't anyone read>>>>>>>> Want to make a post in the "How To" section?, READ THIS FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!<<<<<<<<???????
  17. Here's a post on gm-trucks.com with the info.
  18. My stock AC Delco is going on 7 years old so when it finally does go I'll be replacing it with another AC Delco.
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