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Everything posted by sabrooks005

  1. Thanks a lot for posting the pics. I have started to paint mine. They look pretty good, so far. I just hope the paint doesn't come off. It is definately a messy job.
  2. To bring this topic back to life.... I bought the kit to paint my calipers. Could someone please post some pics of theirs so I can figure out which part(s) of the caliper to paint? A lot of the pics on the other pages are gone. Thanks.
  3. I bought a separate pcm also, but it's going to be a pain in the butt to swap it out if I have to. Do you have to go through the relearn process again?
  4. I just recently installed my Wheatley tune and at this point, I am impressed. The truck runs great and I think I am getting more mpgs. My only question is if I have anything to worry about when I take my truck in for service, repairs, etc. What is the chance that my PCM will be "flashed." Anybody have any experience with this?? Thanks in advance.
  5. It doesn't seem to just pull off, but I was able to order the center part for $3 at the dealership, so hopefully there is a way to do it.
  6. Could someone please send me a link to a 160 degree stat for my 2003 Silverado SS? I can't seem to find one. Thanks.
  7. Hey guys. I'm going to be swapping out my stock PCM for a Weatley PCM this week. In the past, when I used Hypertech programmers, I always swapped out my thermostat. What have you all done when using the alternate PCM tuning (especially Wheatley)? I ordered the programmer to work with 93 octance. Thanks a lot.
  8. The dash. The volume control spins around the button (power button) that I am trying to remove. Thanks.
  9. I have a 2003 SS and am trying to replace the factory radio's volume button. Somehow, the previous owner wore the gray paint off of it. Does anyone know how to safely remove the button/knob? I don't want to break anything. Thanks.
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