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Posts posted by F1SSS

  1. I do believe alot of people will be watching it regardless, but majority is a midwest/west coast audience if its a LA series. and I agree with Wody that the die hard fans will always watch no matter the teams.

    With steroids amongst the best players this year (A-Rod, Manny Ramirez) I just believe its best for one of those previous matchups I stated so it includes the whole baseball community from east to west coast.

    But maybe with a LA series matchup itll help the Cali economy, and that could help the country?

    Go Yankees. And yes I am a Red Sox fan.

  2. OK - here's one: you pass an oncoming police cruiser on a 2-lane road doing 90+, and you see him hit the brake and begin to turn around - do you pull over, or gun it? BE HONEST! :D


    Mr. P. :)


    Had both happen in one nite, turned out to be the same cop :uhoh:


    Legalize it. Economy would be better.


    Legalize, it is medicinal.


    real or fake womans chest lol :jester::jester::jester:


    real all the way even if there a little small


    Jessica Alba or Jessica Beil


    Jessica Biel.


    Megan Fox.


    Paper or plastic?

  3. You are in the penalty box. play the game :jester: no small talk.


    4 minute major for me, off topic.




    C Cups or D Cups?



    How about either :cool: (Game misconduct? :fingersx: ). Ill just say Cs.



    Bernard Madoff being released to the public or Roman Polanski being castrated.....

  4. Driving by Quinsigamond Community College @ noon (12:24) and noticed a black 03-04 with dual exhausts (one behind each wheel). Looked clean, I did not get a chance to hear the exhaust but I did stare and wave. Just wondering if it is a member.....

  5. thats why i pressure wash the hell out of my wheel wells when I wash her up, next summer the wheel wells are going to get stripped and rubber coated :cool:



    I was thinking of something similar; rubber liners for the rear wheel wells. I want to check out the shopman wheel wells to see what they are like if they are still available.

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