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Posts posted by IMPALASS_RIDER

  1. ok i guess everyone know about my Sss being stole but i think im going to get anther one today (or im going to look till i find one today) but i wanna know to drop our trucks what do I have to do?


    i know with my impala's i just got some drop springs and thats all but my brother has an TBSS and he cant drop his because he has to buy all kinds of stuff.. so do we have that same problem?


    o yea and im looking to drop VERY low..like this









    this is sooooooooo sexy to me

  2. HAHAHAHA omg a wonder how priceless the look on her face was..



    (not thread jaking)

    but as yall know my truck was stole at my old job (i was a graphic designer) making good money to be 17 (4cars) well quit that job because i hate knowning my truck was stole from there..

    start working at footaction and i though it would be easy

    people tell you what shoe thay want you get it sell it and you make money off it.

    well to short the story up thats NOT how it is.. you get the shoe and they alwayz say i will come back to get them and never do..


    and on top of that i cant find a dam Sss to buy in houston

  3. Lets make this an Impala thread. :P

    lol im down for that


    damn yall must be rich 3 or 4 other cars yall own i can barer keep up with my monthly notes on my sss maybe i aint workin hard enough im still yung haha one day

    rich naw im young also (18) and layed off :tear: but o well...

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