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Posts posted by IMPALASS_RIDER

  1. (dont know if im posting in the right section)


    BUT, I was on i-10 (houston,tx) and was on side of a black Sss (i though it was my old one) but it didnt have chrome stocks.. he rolled his window down because he liked my impala and gave me a thumb.gif and i was trying to tell him i had a Sss but it got STOLE in NOV he looked like he didnt believe me but o well i was in this impala..



  2. bothers the hell outta me..


    its funny that every morning i wake up and CNN alwayz talking bout him and how he not doing this and that but the man been the president for one week.. bush was the preident for 8yrs and ****ed everything up..



    i hate the fact that since he black the watch every move he make and waiting to air out something on him on the news..ima young black dude and yes i voted (i was shock when thay said i could)..


    and i really wanted RON PAUL but he failed lol

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