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Posts posted by canadianVRss

  1. I have a 05 ss awd. And I was wondering were is the fuel filter. I really hope it's not in the gas tank. Can anybody help


    Dude I have a 05 Awd SS as well and I was wondering the same thing! Looks like we got some work looming over our heads on this one. :banghead:

  2. So I'm on my way home from Edmonton back to my acrage last night and I had a Tim hortons iced cap I'n my consoles cup holder. I bought it about 3 hours earlier so it was kinda slushy. I left it I'n my truck while I was visiting my mom, I then hopped I'n the truck ripping home (it was dark) and I had a quick sip but then something blocked the straw. (happens all the time with iced caps, the bigger chunks of ice plug the straw and you have to stir it up kinda like a slushy) I proceeded to stir it and didn't feel any slush I'n the cup??? But I did feel something like a napkin or something I'n there so I thought "I won't drink anymore until I get home, a napkin must've fell I'n." so I get home and bring it I'n the house and low and behold the biggest freaking deer mouse the earth has EVER seen!!!! He mustve been I'n my truck the whole time and when I was visiting my mom, came out for a drink, fell I'n and drown! So I'm pretty sure I should go to the doctor or something... :-S still can't believe it. I'll try to post pics if I can remember my photo bucket account.


    Okay here ya go.




  3. Wow I'm so dumb, I figured out the problem and made them fit. The two pins that slide and allow the outside (stationary pad) to move and make room for the new rotor were completely seized on! :shakehead: I had to use penetrating fluid (Kano kroil, penetrates to one micron) three times then heat it up with a propain torch while it was I'n a vice then clamp vice grips onto the sliding pin and rotate back and forth.... A lot :( put that caliper and everything back together and installed and went to the other side and sh!t both pins on the other caliper were seized as well! :wtf: thank god the fronts were okay, wow what a pain I'n the azz it took me 5 hours to do my brakes and rotors. All because the rubber boots didn't seal around those pins and they rusted up BAD. End rant :jester: Thanks for all your help though man, now we have stock rotor sizes saved I'n the sights library. :cheers:

  4. Hey guys, trying to change my brake pads and rotors, the rotors fit perfect but when I try to put the caliper on its waaay too tight! I got the vernier out and measured the rotor and it fits spec, so it must be the pads. I'm getting .340 for new pad thickness. Im wondering if anyone has some new pads laying around if they could measure them to see how thick they are. :question: yes the pistons are I'n all the way. And yes I realize the front pads are bigger than the back. Maybe rust or something :(

  5. "so far..." are your key words. It's kinda like askin how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. Everything may hold for awhile, or it could all be one giant catastrophe next time you give it the juice. I just hope you have a savings for motor and trans work for when it DOES happen.


    ^^^ I agree, I'm worried about running a 150 shot of N2O AFTER I do all my trans mods. 150 is a lot for a stock trans, 200 is insane. Honestly Im surprised it held at 150. My half assed guess... 200 = boom. But if you do it get it on video!! I wanna see a stock trans hold up! :pepsicheer:

  6. Has anyone put electric cut outs right in front of the muffler ? If so how dose it sound and do you have any pictures.


    Wow I was going to start a thread very similar to this. Where to put the cut outs and the X pipe and more spesifically, the cut outs before or after the X-pipe. I'd imagine after? :question:


    And sorry if im jacking your thread bro, not my intentions just had a few similar questions myself.

  7. So I was on my way home from the city today and these two cuties fly by me I'n a minivan. so I catch up and we play around for a bit and I notice something funny. At 110km/h my oil pressure is normal (260ish) but jumps just below 275. Which i thought was a little strange. Then at 160km/h it's still at 260!!!! Then bobs up and down from 260 to 400 quite fast, almost like the oil is getting cavitation bubbles I'n it. Needless to say I was like :wtf: I know this isn't normal, so I checked my oil, the oil level was good! Just a tad dirty so it's oil change time I think. I'm running full synthetic amsoil long life formula and a K&N filter. So I'm pretty much clueless except for maybe some sludge build up, I have 227 xxx km on it.

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