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Posts posted by kcsswife

  1. Here are more from Tap Out night!



    Brian (2BFAST)




    Brian (2BFAST)




    Ryan (yourworstnightmare)




    Roberto (NTMD8R_SS) and Miguel (2006_ISS)




    On the stairs from left to right: Zach and Cody (Kevinthegreat's brother)

    Middle Row from left to right: Shelby (Zach's gf), Manda (kcsswife), Kevin (kevinthegreat), Brian (2BFAST), Shaun (kcsilveradoss)

    Front from left to right: Exavier (kcsswife and kcsilveradoss little boy) and Kayla (2BFAST's gf)




    from left to right: Manda (kcsswife), Kevin (kevinthegreat), Cody (Kevin's brother), Brian (2BFAST), Exavier (kcsswife and kcsilveradoss little boy), Shaun (kcsilveradoss)




    Kevin (kevinthegreat)




    Ryan (yourworstnightmare)




    Shaun (kcsilveradoss) and Exavier








    Manda (kcsswife)






  2. I will Kill your F*%@ING TREE!!!




    Nice meeting you Roberto.





    I can't say enough for this guy ^^^ and his wife Amanda. They are awesome people, and I'm very happy to have met them and the parents. Cody and Kevin, these are some cool ass guys! Ben, Mike, Tyler,also nice meeting you! If I forgot anyone sorry, Ive had a long day:banghead:



    Not the Tree!!!




    John I love giving you a hard time! Thanks for being such a good sport and taking it so well! I am glad I was able to meet you and your brother, you guys are welcome at our place anytime!

  3. I also took the guys around town and showed them some of KC. Sorry Kevin but I couldn't resist!


    Zona Rosa:


    Kevin (Kevinthegreat)




    Kevin (kevinthegreat)








    Josh (John's (hottelsss) brother, Kevin (kevinthegreat), John (hottelsss), and Shaun (kcsilveradoss)



    Liberty Memorial:


    Cody, Shaun (kcsilveradoss), and Kevin (kevinthegreat)












    John (hottelsss), Cody, Josh and Shaun (kcsilveradoss)




    Josh, Kevin (kevinthegreat), John (hottelsss), Cody, and Shaun (kcsilveradoss)




    Kevin (kevinthegreat) and John (hottelsss)




    Josh and Kevin (kevinthegreat)




    Kevin (kevinthegreat) and John (hottelsss)




    Cody, Kevin (kevinthegreat), Manda (kcsswife), Shaun (kcsilveradoss), Exavier, Josh, and John (hottelsss)




  4. I am writing a paper about Social Class (meaning social and economic status) and it requires a survey. If you have a free minute would you please fill out the following questions and pm them to me? There are not any right or wrong answers. I greatly appreciate the help!


    1) What Social Class did you belong to while growing up?





    2) What are some things that made you belong in that Social Class?





    3) Have you changed Social Class since you were a child?





    4) Did you move up in Class or down?





    5) What changed in order to put you in another Social Class?





    6) How did changing Social Class affect you?





    7) Do your family and friends treat you differently since you have changed Social Class?





    8) How do your family and friends treat you differently?

  5. most of us members know shaun well enough that we could see right through this prank, but i was worried for a second about the fact that he vouched for my character in my sale thread. some newer members may read that and this thread, and translate that we are "characters" together :greddy:


    don't worry shaun...i already deleted the pictures :jester:


    You may have deleted the pictures but I still have some really good ones...he told me not to post or he would kill me.

  6. I guess this explains the ATTA BOY pat on the ass i got when you left yesterday. :greddy: Now i'm glad you didn't stay longer. The least you could've done was get online and pick out some drapes for my living room. AMANDA.... I think i speak for all of us at your extended SilveradoSS family when i say that we support you and we're here for you. I would guess that the best thing to do is buy Shaun his own panties for Christmas and maybe this will pass. Maybe everyone else can chime in with some suggestions as to what you can do to get past this....... :lurk:



    Shaun wants to know why you won't answer his phone calls this morning. He said he left something there but won't tell me what.

  7. I've always been a bit suspicious as Shaun likes to garden, pick out drapes during our remodels and even bought a few 'European shoulder bags' over the years, but i never thought things would go this far. Shit, i couldn't believe it when he came home with a pink paint job on Red, but he assured me it was a custom color and everyone would like it. Well, my worst fears were realized this morning when i walked in on him in the bathroom and he was putting on makeup and wearing my most revealing undergarments. He was talking to another 'man' about what he was doing and was in the process of sending him a picture. How do i respond to this ? At first he didn't know i was there but when he saw me, i couldn't help but run out the door. I can't go back. He always said he was going out with the boys, but this gives it a whole new meaning. I've always wondered where all of the missing things were going, like my lipstick, panties, 'back messagers' and such. This is all TOO MUCH !!! HELP !! Any advice on what i can do next Please !!

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