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Posts posted by kcsswife

  1. I think life should be re-evaluated when you have to make a speech about leaving a message board. This is all a hobby, don't make it something more than that, like a relationship. Keep it cool with other people and let opinions just be said. Who cares! It's a friggin truck! A metal truck which you enjoy and provides transportation. Not family, country, or other important things you can't replace. We share info, stories, and hopefully helpful advice and opinions.


    Perspective... is all I'm sayin.




    Do you even own an SS truck? I would love to see what it looks like if you do. Probably looks just like my Lightning did when I first got it.


    what kind of attention should I give him? oh please stay we need you? F that, I should ban his ass so when he does come back for help with his truck is held to his word about leaving?


    What did Josh say? That there are site rules and that the reason for not allowing certain discussions that get guys panties in a bunch?


    First off this is not the attitude I would expect from a mod or someone who cares about keeping a site running. Your comment is just further proof that you really don't give a s**t. Are you 12? Why not try and figure out what the issue is and keep another member? Guess that is too much work?!


    I get it...but he said his peace, didn't drag it on and just made a little smart ass comment. I just didn't think it was something he really needed to be warned about. He knew it, and it was just an opinion.




    the warning was an example of the crap we deal with making this site work...no matter how much we tell you guys to chill...guys are constantly pushing. And its the same guys. The mods have tried alot to keep guys from those topics but when it keeps happening and Josh has to step in a say something I would expect him to be a bit pissed.


    You should take a gander at Lightningrodder.com. GREAT SITE!! NO RULES!!! The mods are great and they are on all the time, even the site owners participate...they have conversations with members (NO B**ching!!). TRY IT!!


    If you are a man and post 'leaving SSS.com for good', BYE!


    A ban would be a reminder of his decision to be a martar and leave the site. enjoy your virgins :)



    and guys would rather bitch about Poltics than ANY truck mods. Guys who are building stuff dont come here to post.


    Please explain? :confused:


    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the last SS truck made in 2007 and the first truck was made in 2003? So that would make them between 3 and 7 years old...not 10!! There are many other car/truck sites with vehicles that are much older than the SS.



    is not a discussion on Health care or any topic. It is a defamation of our president and while I dont care how you feel about him, I do care if it causes our car club to divide about a subject I dont care about.


    ITS AN OPINION!!! I didn't see it dividing anything! I did however see a member being criticised for having an opinion and someone else power tripping!

  2. DANG!!! When you guys make a get together, you don't mess around!! Amanada told me to get my arse over here and ask all the chevy guys if Another Lightning owner can come to. :D

    Yay! Glad to see you found the site and the thread! I won't be the odd ball now! If you boys don't mind will you please add my friend Ryan and his super fast Lightning to your list? Thanks!

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