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Everything posted by superchevything

  1. about to sell the Kenwood i might hit you up for the stock to hold me down.
  2. Yeah that price is a lil too high imo and it has VHO rims instead of the SS Rims.
  3. Wow nice Camaro oh oh yeah the truck sure maybe theyll go for 16k since they sit out there till 10pm waiting for someone to just look at something
  4. I just tell him to keep the rims so the truck can be cheaper lol
  5. Rams Piss jk your best bet is to get some interior cleaner or something that kills smells not cover em. Febreeze or Oust should work.
  6. I kinda did the same thing with my mom when i was coming home from my year deployment.
  7. Anybody catch Kimbo in action last night??
  8. And she's from Escondido,Ca too lol
  9. Yup here it is guys and gals the best performance mod you can do to your truck even adds HP too i think up to 50 what you think LOL
  10. Came across these bad boys while reading my monthly issue of SUPER CHEVY. They last longer the NTO1 100 tread wear NTO5 200 tread wear. They cost about 350 the most but id get these for track reasons only if i had the money and if i went to the track.
  11. Any body put Nitrogen in there tires?? I see a lot of tires places offering it now and they say it improves MPG.
  12. Steven Seagal Lawman on tonight A&E
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