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Everything posted by Sik-rod-yo

  1. I'll add a super charger but I'm concerned about mpg......any thougths on its effects? mpg only depends on how heavy is ur foot lol
  2. From the album: my clone

  3. Sounds like ur clutchs r going bad or almost done sounds like the same prblm I had couple wks ago
  4. Glad u ok man sorry for ur lost
  5. looks great ill trade u for mine jk
  6. Lmao get the 'hivs' bye doing a nose dive they should burn his penis n for sure there going to put him in pc with all the petys n rats
  7. Any one missing a badge there it is lmao!!! Of with his head
  8. I smell law suit lol that's not the only thing i seen his truck on gmfullsize froum some on there to lmao but 200 hp 75 mpg wowzers heres a quote What if I'm not happy with my purchase? In the extremely rare event that you are not happy, we'll fix it! As promised we offer a 100% refund policy! AGAIN, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE
  9. lmao decals add hp n d chrome bar on d bed add down force weight to d rear dam d poor truck never had a chance when do u stop n look how retarded it looks with all that shizel on it
  10. wtf!!! the rims cost more then the dam car why would u do that
  11. Yes sir it was but got to pay if u want to play Ived gone thru a couple of trannys next move is the 80
  12. Just go wit the 80 if can get a good price on it save u the headacke of breaking down any were and the down time lol I just blew my 60 last sat only wit a lil blower. So I will b looking to do an 80 soon gl
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