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Everything posted by chrishoekusmc

  1. Yeah, that seems a little high. I enjoy the room too, except when it comes to finding "safe" parking. I'm always the farthest car in the parking lot no matter where I go. That is a clean Mustang. I bet the new owner is happy.
  2. and you can drink all the beer you want while watching the game, and you can make it to your pisser and back in less than a commercial break!
  3. They didn't even tell me what they were asking for it. How much was it anyway? I haven't seen it in about a week, I guess someone got it, or they transferred it to another lot. Yeah the passenger side had obviously been repainted, and they did a really crappy job. It was my first up close look at an Intimidator. I almost ordered an Intimidator when I placed the order for my truck, but I didn't want to fork out the extra cash, and I didn't want a black truck. Don't get me wrong, black looks awesome, (when its clean) I just knew it would be a lot more work. That being said, I would prefer an SS over a Mustang any day. But I think you probably made the right decision in this case. Geaux Tigers!
  4. I'm not necessarily trying to organize an event or anything, but it would be cool to hang out with some folks that can carry on a conversation past "nice truck man", if you know what I mean. What brings you this way?
  5. Great game coming up on the 5th. I was going to take a trip out there, but it's the day after my anniversary and I don't think it will go over very well. The view from my couch is better anyway. Regardless, should be a great game.
  6. I guess I was a little late... Well hopefully it will help someone else in the future.
  7. When I did my driver and passenger windows, I just wanted them to match the rear windows stock tint. After chatting with several different professionals, the answer that I came up with was to get Suntek %15 charcoal. To me, it looks like a perfect match from the outside. From the inside, there is a very slight difference in color, I am the only one that knows. Hope this helps.
  8. I see 3 options here. First option is you selling your SS. You are going to be out a 2-3 grand, you wont have an SS anymore, and you will only have gained about 2 years of truck life. Option 2, you keep your SS, spend the 1-2 grand and get your tires, tune up, other problems fixed, and you will still be giving yourself a few added years of driving, plus you will still have your SS. Option3, keep your SS, buy a little beater for 2-3 grand, and fix your SS up over time. I vote for option 2 or maybe even 3 if your situation permits. Your SS just needs a little bit of TLC and it will be running like a top. Our trucks are special, they require a little bit of special attention. You knew this when you got it 5 years ago. This is not just a truck, it's a relationship.
  9. Are you talking about that Intimidator? I drive by that truck every day on my way home from work. I stoped one day and looked at it. It was in kind of bad shape (compared to mine), the dealer told me it had been wrecked 3 times, and it had 8X,000 miles on it. It looks damn good from the road though. PM me next time you head this way, we can meet up. There is a car show every Saturday on E 9 Mile Rd... Oh, and sorry about the Auburn thing... I'm an LSU fan.
  10. Are there any active members in the Pensacola FL area? I have seen at least 4 other SSs on the road around here, just curious if there were any members. Cheers
  11. Welcome aboard. I'm right down the road from you in Pensacola.
  12. Accord, seriously... Just cause it's a chick car doesn't mean it is a chick magnet!
  13. I would do it too, I would take it off as soon as possible afterwards though.
  14. Ha ha, that sticker reminds me of Talladega Nights.
  15. As far as beers go, if I'm just having a few, I'll go with New Castle, Heineken, Amstel Light, or a Sam Adams. If I'm tailgating, or having some other sort of long day/night of drinking, my utility beer is Miller Lite. For booze I enjoy most any Vodka beverage, Beam and Coke, or a good Margarita on the rocks.
  16. Active duty USMC from Summer 04 - present. Just finished up a 3 year tour in Japan. Now stationed at NAS Pensacola. Semper Fi!
  17. Agreed. I got my shift kit and servos installed yesterday. I have noticed little to no change in shift firmness. I have not gotten a tune yet. I plan to do that a little later. I really expected to at least see a little something without the tune, but I was wrong. Unless my mech did something wrong???
  18. You laugh! I saw a Mustang with SS painted on the sides where the GT badge would normally go. People are dumb.
  19. I recently saw a yellow single cab Silverado sporting an SS badge on the lower right side of the tailgate. Wrong on so many levels. I mean seriously, if you are going to be an impersonator, at least do a little homework and figure out proper badge placement.
  20. I got my roll pan in the mail yesterday from zayne0. So I am no longer looking to put together an order. Until someone runs into the back of me...
  21. Received it in the mail yesterday. Thanks zayne0. Can't wait to install!
  22. chrishoekusmc

    Older Pics

  23. Yeah, for the most part. I have about 37K miles on it. It used to be my daily driver, so there are a few areas that could use a little buffing. Nothing the passerby would notice though.
  24. Anybody looking to get rid of a BSER Roll pan? Piss poor planning on my part. Just closed on a house, pulled in the garage, and wouldn't you know it, the garage is about 2" too short. If you have one you are looking to sell, PM me. I spoke with BSER today also, he said if I can get another 1 or 2 guys together he will put together an order. So, if you are interested in placing an order, let me know.
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